Jotun: Valhalla Edition Cheats - Xbox One

 All cheats for this game by platform: Xbox One
Check out these Jotun: Valhalla Edition cheats and stay cool!
Complete each achievement to get the allotted gamerscore:

Brave the Inferno (10) - Defeat Kaunan, the terrifying Fire jotun.
Completionist (25) - Beat the game 100%
Conquer the Cold (10) - Defeat Isa, the mighty Winter jotun.
Defeat the Darkness (10) - Defeat F, the magnificient Cave jotun.
Gungnir-phobia (25) - Defeat Odin without destroying any spear.
Impress the Gods (25) - Find all of the God Shrines.
Ithunn's Chosen (25) - Find all of Ithunn's Apples.
No K.O (25) - Defeat Hagalaz without knocking her down.
Perfect: F (25) - Defeat F without taking any damage.
Perfect: Hagalaz (25) - Defeat Hagalaz without taking any damage.
Perfect: Isa (25) - Defeat Isa without taking any damage.
Perfect: Jera (25) - Defeat Jera without taking any damage.
Perfect: Kaunan (25) - Defeat Kaunan without taking any damage.
Perfect: Odin (25) - Defeat Odin without taking any damage.
Perfect: Valhalla (100) - Defeat each jotun in Valhalla Mode without taking damage.
Risky Business (25) - Defeat Kaunan while at less than 10% health.
Shun the Gods: F (25) - Defeat F without using any God Power.
Shun the Gods: Hagalaz (25) - Defeat Hagalaz without using any God Power.
Shun the Gods: Isa (25) - Defeat Isa without using any God Power.
Shun the Gods: Jera (25) - Defeat Jera without using any God Power.
Shun the Gods: Kaunan (25) - Defeat Kaunan without using any God Power.
Shun the Gods: Odin (25) - Defeat Odin without using any God Power.
Shun the Gods: Valhalla (100) - Defeat each jotun in Valhalla Mode without using any God Power.
Sniper (25) - Defeat Isa using only the icebergs.
Tame the Wilds (10) - Defeat Jera, the unmerciful Nature jotun.
Time Trial: F (25) - Defeat F in under 25 seconds.
Time Trial: Hagalaz (25) - Defeat Hagalaz in under 60 seconds.
Time Trial: Isa (25) - Defeat Isa in under 60 seconds.
Time Trial: Jera (25) - Defeat Jera in under 25 seconds.
Time Trial: Kaunan (25) - Defeat Kaunan in under 80 seconds.
Time Trial: Odin (25) - Defeat Odin in under 60 seconds.
Ultimate F's-bee (25) - Defeat F without attacking her in melee.
Valhalla Awaits (25) - Defeat Odin, the Allfather.
Valkyrie (50) - Clear Valhalla Mode.
Vegetarian (25) - Defeat Jera without killing a single vine.
Weather the Storm (10) - Defeat Hagalaz, the mesmerizing Storm Jotun.

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