Age of Empires 2: The Age of Kings Cheats - PC

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Downloadable Age of Empires 2: The Age of Kings Cheats
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Aug. 31, 2010
Nov. 25, 2005

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Primary Collection of Cheats
Cheat Mode
Press [Enter] while playing to bring up chat box, then type:

ROCK ON - 1000 Stone
LUMBERJACK - 1000 Wood
ROBIN HOOD - 1000 Gold
MARCO - Reveal Map
POLO - Remove Shadow
AEGIS - Fast Build
NATURAL WONDERS - Control Nature
RESIGN - You Lose
WIMPYWIMPYWIMPY - Destroy Yourself
HOW DO YOU TURN THIS ON - Gives a Cobra car
TORPEDO# - Kill Opponent #
TO SMITHEREENS - Gives a Saboteur
BLACK DEATH - Destroy All Enemies
I R WINNER - You Win

You may also start the game with the following command-line parameters:

800 - Sets the screen resolution for the game to 800 x 600 pixels.
1024 - Sets the screen resolution for the game to 1024 x 768 pixels.
1280 - Sets the screen resolution for the game to 1280 x 1024 pixels.

autompsave - This will cause the game to save every 5 (or so) minutes.

Mfill - Fixes horizontal line display issues and black screen areas that may occur with some video adapter configurations.
Msync - Fixes a problem where the computer stops responding with some SoundBlaster AWE configurations.
NoMusic - Turns off all music.
NormalMouse - Replaces the custom mouse pointer with a standard mouse pointer.
NoSound - Turns off all sounds, except those played in cinematics.
NoStartup - Skips all cinematic sequences before the game starts.
NoTerrainSound - Turns off all terrain sounds.
Press [Enter] during game play, then type a number from 1 to "30" and press [Enter] again to hear various phrases such as "Don't point that thing at me".

Fast resources
Use the following trick to rapidly enter the cheat codes and get resources quickly. For wood, press [Enter], type "woodstock", press [Shift] + [Home] to highlight the word, then press [Ctrl] + C to copy it. Press [Enter] to activate the cheat. Press [Enter] again, then press [Ctrl] + V to or [Shift] + [Insert] paste the word on the screen for activation. Repeat to get resources quickly. This may be used with the "quarry", "coinage", "pepperoni pizza", and "photon man" codes.

When you do a random map, use a team islands setting and have seven players. Make three of them your allies, and four enemies. Start the game and go to the third button from the top right corner. Put check marks next to all your allies and click on "Food Please", "Wood Please", "Stone Please" or "Gold Please" in the box below. The only resource your allies will not give you is gold.

More bases advantage
To have a better chance of winning, you might want to build more than one base. Enlarge the base you start out with, making it completely fortified with at least two castles. Then, send a scout cavalry, or some other fast moving unit, to the opposite side of the map from your base. After you have checked the area and confirmed that it is safe, send a villager to build a castle at that location and fortify that base. This is very helpful if your enemy knows where one of your bases are located, especially during online play.

Free ally
When you build a market, there is a chance that a rival tribe will ask you to send them a certain amount of wood, stone, gold, and food. When they do, click on "Diplomacy" or press [Alt] + D and click "Ally" on the name of that tribe. They will become an ally free of charge. However, when you do this you will no longer be able to align yourself with any other tribes. This is helpful if there are four tribes in the game.

Save resources
When you are allies with others, do not build a market to avoid giving them resources.

Easy opponent elimination
At the beginning of any random map game, at least one CPU opponent will become your ally if you give them 100 of the resource that they request. Remember the opponent that asked for the resources, as this will be important later. Wait at least until the castle age, then give that opponent the resources they asked for. At this point during the game, you should have either well over 4,000 of all resources or a large military (depending on your population limit). Either way, that payment should be no more than a small investment. Next, set your stance with them to ally. When you have a large enough army, switch your stance to either enemy or neutral and attack them. They should be almost completely eliminated before they switch their own stance to enemy.

Easy win
For easy victory over the CPU under any difficulty setting, place eight to twelve villagers into three control groups. Then, have two control groups working on gold and one working on stone until all of the stone piles and gold piles are gone. Next, build at least two of every building and upgrade everything as fast as possible. If done quick enough you should be able to either swarm your enemy or surround him with castles.

Easy ambush win
First, set "Diplomacy" to "Ally" with lock teams off and also the opponent set "Diplomacy" to "Ally". Then, build an army strong enough to destroy the towers and castles (if there are any), such as Onagers and Rams. Bring your army within your ally's walls and set "Diplomacy" to "Enemy". Then, attack at will.

Easy gold
Build a Monastery as soon as you reach the Castle age. Collect as many Relics as possible. For every Relic you have, you will get one gold per second. For example, if you have five Relics, you will get five gold per second.

Build a Market as far away from your allies as possible. Then build 20 to 30 Trade Carts. Send them to trade with your allies. After all of your Trade Carts are built, you will get a lot of gold. If you have 30 built, in about ten minutes you will have earned at least 10,000 gold.

If you are in the Black Forest, get over 20 Villagers to chop Wood (30 would work better). After you have 20,000 Wood, sell it for a lot of gold.

Efficient boar hunting
Gather all of the villagers that you want to hunt the boar with in between it and your town center (preferably closer to the town center). Next, send your scout cavalry to attack the boar. As soon as the animal begins to attack the scout, order him to flee behind the villagers, then command the villagers to shoot the boar. This saves valuable time and resources that otherwise would be wasted by building a mill beside the boar. It also makes the trip to the town center or mill much quicker. Another way to efficiently hunt boar is to attack it with military units until it is low on health, then finishing it off with villagers. Note: Boars hunted with military units will not be worth meat.

Explore enemy territory without being attacked
Advance to the Feudal age, build a Market, then create a Trade Cart. Use the Trade Cart to safely explore your opponent's territory. If your opponent is neutral, they will not harm the Trade Cart. Another trick is to create several Trade Carts and place them evenly across your opponent's area to see everything they are doing, without having to spend several thousand gold to research Spies/Treason.

Multi-player coastal map in single player mode (demo version)
To play the multi-player coastal map with out going online, find the scenario folder and located the "Trial Multiplayer Map" and "Trial Coastal Map". Rename "Trial Muitiplayer Map" to "Trial Coastal Map" and rename "Trial Coastal Map" to "Trial Multiplayer Map". Start the game, select "custom Scenario" and choose on the map name "Trial Coastal Map". When the game begins, it will actually be the Trial multi-player map with four enemies instead of two. Note: Backup the files before renaming them.

Glitch: Demo version losing old saved games on Windows XP
When you click on the "Age of Empires II: Age of Kings Demo" icon for the first time on Windows XP, it states that you need to reinstall Age of Empires II Demo before you can play it. You do have to install Age of Empires II: Age of Kings Demo again, but you can keep your old Age of Empires II Demo, as well. Once you have installed Age of Empires II Demo again, go to your old shortcut to Age Of Empires Demo and click on it. The game should launch and act as it did when you had your other system, have all its saved names, but some of the music files may not play. Note: You need to have a shortcut to your old Age Of Empires Demo before installing Windows XP and before reinstalling the Age Of Empires Demo.

Glitch: Enemy believes you are an ally
Go to Death Match mode and put your opponents on Team 1. Set yourself on Team 1. Activate the "Team Together" option and play. The enemy will think you are an ally, even when you switch your stance with them to enemy.

Glitch: Walk on water
Create a scenario and make all allies and enemies as desired, but have at least two enemies. Make the map have water and build an enemy bridge or go to a campaign with a bridge (for example, Attila the Hun). Enable the "torpedo" code, followed by the number of whatever player it is with a bridge. The bridge will disappear. Then, click a unit and walk on the "bridge".

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