Age of Empires Cheats - PC

 All cheats for this game by platform: PC
Check out these Age of Empires cheats and stay cool!
Downloadable Age of Empires Cheats
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Nov. 25, 2005
Nov. 25, 2005

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Primary Collection of Cheats
Cheat Mode
Press [Enter] and type in the cheat code:

MEDUSA - villagers become medusa. When villager is killed, he becomes a black rider. and if killed again becomes a heavy catapult.
DIEDIEDIE - you all die
RESIGN - you resign
REVEAL MAP - reveals all the map
PEPPERONI PIZZA - gives yourself 1000 food
COINAGE - gives yourself 1000 gold
WOODSTOCK - gives yourself 1000 wood
QUARRY - gives yourself 1000 stone
NO FOG - remove the fog-of-war
HARI KARI - suicide (a more spectacular way to resign)
PHOTON MAN - get a 'Nuke Trooper' (guy /W A laser gun)
GAIA - control the animals (You loose control of your humans)
FLYING DUTCHMAN - juggernaughts turn into the Flying Dutchman
STEROIDS - instant build
HOME RUN - win the scenario
KILLX - where 'X' is the players position (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)
BIGDADDY - get a cool car /W a rocket launcher
BIGMOMMY - Bigdaddy, only car is white this time
BIG BERTHA - heavy catapults have greater range and damage
ICBM - ballistias get 100 range points
HOYOHOYO - priest speed up alot, and get 600 hit points
JACK BE NIMBLE - catapults fire peasants who do somersaults as they fly through the air.
E=MC2 TROOPER - get a futuristic trooper. who fires nuclear missles which explode when they hit.
ZEUS - Troops invincible
BLACK RIDER - Riding archers turn to Black Knights
DARK RAIN - Archers mask as trees

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