Aliens vs. Predator (Original Game) Cheats - PC

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Check out these Aliens vs. Predator (Original Game) cheats and stay cool!
Downloadable Aliens vs. Predator (Original Game) Cheats
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Dec. 30, 2006
Dec. 30, 2006
Sep. 13, 2006

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Primary Collection of Cheats
Cheat Mode
Firstly: You must have the AvP save-game patch installed.
Secondly: Add -lampcxtr -debug to the command line. ie:

"C:\Fox\Aliens Versus Predator" -lampcxtr -debug

In this mode Multiplayer is not available, levels will not be flagged as completed, and no new official cheat modes will become available. This basically means that players can examine a level to which they already have access with invulnerability, infinite weapons, etc. but can't open up any new game levels or features. The following CONSOLE COMMANDS (press the tilde (~) key to bring it down) are made available by this option. Replace the # sign with a number where necessary:

QUICKSAVE - Save to the first save slot.
QUICKLOAD - Load from the first save slot.
SAVE # - Save to slot number # (1-8).
LOAD # - Load from slot number # (1-8).
SAVESLEFT - Displays how many saves the player has remaining in the current level at the current difficulty. This number is also displayed any time a game is saved or loaded.

MOTIONTRACKERSPEED - Speed up/slow down the pulse rate of the Marine's motion tracker (range from 0-16, default is 1).
TIMESCALE # - Change the rate at which time flows in the game, e.g. 0.5 will make time pass at half the normal speed. For those interested, the "JohnWooMode" cheat uses this effect dynamically, so that time passes slower the more action is happening on screen.
WIREFRAMEMODE # - Display the environment and/or characters using wireframe graphics.
DOPPLERSHIFT # - Enable/disable the Doppler shifting on the Alien player's sounds.
SKY_RED # - Change the red component in a sky.
SKY_GREEN # - Change the green component in a sky.
SKY_BLUE # - Change the blue component in a sky.
LEANSCALE # - Change the amount the camera tilts when side-stepping.
CROUCHMODE 1 - Change the Aliens to crouch/crawl.
CROUCHMODE 0 - Changes back to the default setting.

GOD - Makes the player immortal: player will still take damage, but will not die when they reach zero health.
GIMME_CHARGE Give's Predator Full Charge.
GIVEALLWEAPONS - Self-explanatory.
LISTCMD - In game help screen for cheat codes.
SHOWFPS - Displays the current frame-rate per second on-screen.
SHOWPOLYCOUNT - Displays the number of rendered polygons per frame
LIGHT - Creates a light source near the player. Repeated use makes a brighter and brighter light.
ALIENBOT - Creates an Alien in front of the player.
MARINEBOT # - Creates a Marine (or civilian) of type #
PREDOBOT # - Creates a Predator of type #
PREDALIENBOT - Creates a Predator-Alien
PRAETORIANBOT - Creates a Praetorian Alien
XENOBORG - Creates a Xenoborg

Note: creating bots may cause crashes and unexpected game behavior. For a bot to be created its model must exist in the current level; however, the models may be forced to be loaded through a command line option. Add "-l" followed by a list of letters corresponding to the characters you want to load.

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