America's Army: Special Forces Overmatch Cheats - PC

 All cheats for this game by platform: PC
Check out these America's Army: Special Forces Overmatch cheats and stay cool!
Primary Collection of Cheats
Cheat mode
Note: This procedure involves editing a game file; create a backup copy of the file before proceeding. Use a text editor to edit the "armyops.ini" file in the "system" folder in the game directory. Add the following line under the "[Engine.GameEngine]" heading to enable cheat mode.
bMPCheats=Enabled 2
Then, press [~] or [Tab] during game play to display the console window. Enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function.

Third person viewbehindview 1
Unlimited ammunitionmpcheat paramsammo 1
No clipping modempcheat ghost
Disable no clipping modewalk
Weapon selectmpcheat changeclass <weapon name>
Start game alone<SUP>1</SUP>start <level name>
Spawn indicated item or NPC<SUP>1</SUP>summon <item or character name>

Weapon names
Use one of the following entries with the "mpcheat changeclass" code.
ak" (AK47)
"ak74su" (AK74SU)
"ar" (SAW)
"at4" (American rocket launcher)
"b" (Benelli m390 combat shotgun with 7 slug rounds)
"f" (Fists)
"g" (M16A2 with grenade launcher)
"gp" (AK47 with grenade launcher)
"m4a1" (M4A1)
"m4m" (same as "sf" but with different grenades)
"m9" (pistol)
"mos" (Mosin-Nagant sniper rifle)
"r" (Grenades)
"rpg" (Rocket propelled grenade)
"rpk" (OpFor machine gun)
"s" (M81 sniper)
"s24" (M24 sniper)
"sf" (M-4 silenced, 203 attachment, 4x zoom, 2 frags,1 smoke, 2 flash, 1 fire grenade)
"spr" (Silenced weapon with 4x zoom)
"svd" (Dragonov sniper rifle)
"v" (AK siris modified weapon)
Item names
Use one of the following entries with the "spawn" code.
agp_inventory.PickupW_AT4_Rocket" (4 rocket launcher)
"agp_inventory.PickupW_RPG7_Rocket" (for rpg7 rocket launcher)
"agp_inventory.PickupW_M870_shotgun" (shotgun)
"agp_inventory.PickupT_M14_Incendiary" (new grenade that explodes into flames)
NPC names
Use one of the following entries with the "spawn" code.
agp_characters.npc_flight crew

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