Avadon: The Black Fortress Cheats - PC

 All cheats for this game by platform: PC
Check out these Avadon: The Black Fortress cheats and stay cool!
Primary Collection of Cheats
Cheat Mode
Press [Shift]+[D] while in the game and a "What do you want?" window will show up. Type in the following commands. Be warned that using these codes disables earning medals unless you leave the region that you are currently in.

showmeall - Allows you to see all NPC's on the map, even in areas that haven't been covered.
dontshowmeall - Disables showmeall.
giveasnack - Gives your main character a cake.
iampoor - Instantly gives your party 500 gold.
iamweak - Instantly gives your party a level.
retrain - Resets your characters skill points and abilities; allowing you to change how your character is.
rechargeme - Restores everone's Vitality to full as well as resets the cooldown of all of their abilities.
healmenow - Restores everyones HP to full.
shieldsup - Provides War/Resistance/Shield Chant as well as Haste.
sorrysevilin - Restores Sevilin's loyalty if you've made him unhappy.
sorryshima - Restores Shima's loyalty if you've made him unhappy.
sorryjenell - Restores Jenell's loyalty if you've made her unhappy.
sorrynathalie - Restores Nathalie's loyalty if you've made her unhappy.
fps - Shows your current frames per second.
backtoavadon - Teleports your party back to Avadon.
whereami - Tells you where you are currently at, the zone, and the x/y coordinates.
Achievements (Steam)
Anvil Apprentice - Augment ten items.
Avadon's Gaze - In the Farlands, no foe of the Pact can be left standing.
Back In the Fold - Bring all four of your allies back to Avadon.
Big Game - Hunt down the greatest prey (normal difficulty or higher).
Big, Bigger, and Biggest - Eliminate the threat to the Kva.
Craftmaster - Augment 50 items.
Heart of Avadon - Complete Avadon - The Black Fortress on Torment difficulty.
Irritable Reptile - Calm the dragon Zhethron. For the first time.
Leave Them Where They Lie - Reach the endgame without ever using a Resurrection scroll (normal difficulty or higher).
Lone Justice - Cleansed the Beraza Woods of bandits.
Don't Bug Me With Your Issues! - Reach the endgame without ever making one of your companions happy (normal difficulty or higher).
Don't Taunt Dragons - Showed the ogres just how foolish they were.
Employee of the Month - Prove your loyalty to Redbeard.
Experiments Concluded - Purged a tower of its unspeakable experiments.
Eye of Avadon - Complete Avadon - The Black Fortress (hard difficulty or higher).
Hand of Avadon - Complete Avadon - The Black Fortress (normal difficulty or higher).
Shadow of the Woods - Hunted down the Shadow Beast.
Take Only What You Need - Reach the endgame and never have more than one character beside yourself in your party (normal difficulty or higher).
Nathalie Will Be Pleased - Send Beloch the Scourge back where it came from (hard difficulty or higher).
Pay Your Respects - Locate the crypt of the Keepers.
Peace Within the Pact - Show that Holklandans and the Kellem can work together.
Perfection Achieved - Get your main character to level 30.
Quality of Your Enemies - Fight your way back into the castle.
Terminal Insubordination - Claim Avadon for your own (normal difficulty or higher).
Tested By Fire - Get your main character to level 10.
True Power - Get your main character to level 20.
Wall Spots - Found a secret door.
Well-Read - Find all codex entries.
Without a Scratch - Reach Castle Vebeaux without one of your characters ever going unconscious (hard difficulty or higher).
Your New Employer - Meet redbeard.

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