Battle Realms Cheats - PC

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Nov. 25, 2005
Nov. 25, 2005
Nov. 25, 2005
Nov. 25, 2005
Nov. 25, 2005

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Primary Collection of Cheats
Instantly destroy enemy buildings
1 st: Select an enemy building
2nd: Press Ctrl+D simultaneously
3rd: Watch the building turn instantly into dust!

NOTE: This cheat is for an un-updated version of Battle Realms only.

Lotus Clan instant Yin point trick
Quickly build a Tomb of the Brothers and summon Lythis, one of the brothers of the crypt. Just have him attack a tree and watch yin points add up. This trick works well on a stage with lots of trees. In the Lotus Clan, summon the 2 Brothers Lythis and Tausil, then have them attack water (force attack them into a very shallow spot in the water or other similar place and also a little deeper on the water). While they attack, you continuously yield Yin Points.

Serpent Clan instant Yin point trick
Quickly train a unit into a Ronin and have him learn the Yin Blade battle gear. Take him near a tree and turn his Yin Blade on and force attack a tree. Watch your yin points rack up. This trick is good in a stage with lots of Trees.
Try the following

1. Build more peasant huts. The more you have, the faster they spawn, the faster your army grows, etc. More huts also increases your resource capacity (as does building a Town Hall), so that your gatherers can be constantly building up a fat rice/water bankroll, so you'll always have resources when you need them (like when you need heroes, NOW). NOTE: This is mostly untrue... more peasant huts will NOT preduce peasants quicker. The speed at which the peasants regenarate depends on the total population you have: If you have say, 30 people (combatant and peasants) then your next peasant will generate slower. However, if you have say, 5 people; it will gerarate faster.

2. Use battle gear. Both offensive and defensive. Even on your geisha. Equip everybody and use it in combat.

3. In single-player, save early and often. Make Ctrl-S (quick save) and Ctrl-L (quick load) your friends. I always quicksave before I invade a base. I wasn't in the habit of doing this in Starcraft or AoE and it cost me a lot of time.

4. When invading, focus on towers first, then peasant huts, then barracks (training buildings). Rush your melee guys up to the towers, and keep your ranged guys AWAY from them. Towers have awesome range, but the unit atop the tower can't fire at units attacking its base (i.e., there are no AoEII-style "murder holes"). Tower charges (their battle gear, of sorts) are a bitch, too. When attacking a tower, send one or two units in first, in the hopes that your opponent (or the AI) will trigger the tower charge, then send the rest of your squad against it.

5. Fire! Fire! Fire! Burn stuff. Dragon Warriors' flaming sword, Serpent Raiders' torches, Wolf Pitch Slingers' pitch, and Lotus horse Infernal Breath (among others) all have the ability to ignite structures. Use it. There's nothing more confusing to your opponent (or the AI in single-player) than to have some fire units run around their town igniting every structure they see.

6. Use hot keys. B to activate batttle gear, S to stop, N to stand ground, G to guard, O for non-agressive. Go into Options/Controls and study the whole list. This also includes creating groups and assigning them hotkeys as well.

7. Use peasant huts as defensive walls ala Supply depots of Starcraft. Put your range units behind them and watch them kill all your attackers.

8. Watchtower, Arah, Archer Attack - Place a watchtower near the enemy base, have one group of archers with abilities upgraded (max damage & max distance) guard the tower, and have another group of archer with Flaming arrows enabled attack the nearest enemy structure. Watch them burn them down to ashes. If the enemies counterattacked retreat to the watchtower for Arah and the rest of the archers mowed them down with arrows.

9. Excellent strategy Choco-Bob I play very similarly. I also think upgrading your Dojo and Archery with special abilities also helps a great deal (Zen Accurary etc). Also round up a few horses - they provide 2 very useful purposes: 1. Peasants can use them as pack-horses thus allowing you to carry more water/rice back to your Huts. The quicker you have your resources the quicker you get your army. 2. Put your prized units on mounts and their attack rating goes up. Also you now have the trample ability which I have found very handy in melee situations. I also love Archers. As Choco-Bob advises use CTRL-1 (Or whatever) to group your Archers then make them stand their ground. An enemy no matter what their Unit type quickly crumbles under a hail of 10 or more arrows. I use CTRL-2 to also group my Melee units and also use their special powers in battle (Intimidate, Shield). And yes - always save before a big battle. I also concentrate on the towers first, then Enemy Archers, then Enemy Melee then structures. Weather the initial storm of the Enenmy attacking you then sit back and build. It sometimes takes finesse but that's half the fun!

How to use Kenji in Skirmish or multiplayer mode
Your population must be 39 and build a keep the time the keep is done it must be exacly the same time your last peasant comes out of the peasant hut and you'll see kenji coming out of the peasant hut.

Extra Necromancer
After gaining a necromancer, start training 5 ronins and place 4 of them again as a sacrifice for a necromancer. Train a ronin with a blood compact battle suit. Then have the spell to the necromancer with a 3 consecutive press on your mouse button. Then place the necromancer to a watch tower. Let the Ronin with blood compact battle suit killed on the enemies base. Let the necromancer lost its lifeline as it won't die in a watchtower. After the Ronin dies, another necromancer will rise.

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