Cutthroats: Terror on the High Seas Cheats - PC

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Downloadable Cutthroats: Terror on the High Seas Cheats
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Nov. 25, 2005

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Another Set of Cheats for This Game
Some Useful Cheats

Here goes: Find a .txt file named, "PlayConsum.txt" in:


This tiny file tells the game how much food needs to be available before your sailors start to complain, die, and finally vote you out:

Sup Weight(lbs) Per person
Food 3
Fruit 1
Pork 1
Rum 1

Simply edit it so that ALL the values read "0", then save as "PlayConsum.txt":

Sup Weight(lbs) Per person
Food 0
Fruit 0
Pork 0
Rum 0

With this file in place, you can cruise forever so long as you have AT LEAST 1 ton of each of these supplies on your ships. Your men will never complain about eating "ship's biscuits and salt beef" again, and never vote you out.

(DS1-None of this comes without a hitch though. There is a glitch where "Food" and "Rum" are never depleted, but "Fruit" and "Livestock" are. Never fear, because I still never got any complaints about the men's eating habits. Just to be safe though, whenever I noticed that we'd run out of an item, I'd simply buy a couple of tons, just to have them on hand.) Some Useful Cheats
Inside the data directories there are text files which have matrixes detailing the percentages of ships generated by cities, % of ships that are merchants, guard ships, etc... There are also matrixes which detail the % of ships which have x number of guns, x number of officers, x number of gunners etc...These can be editied to create galleons that have 2 guns and 1 officer. And you can make a town generate a large number of ships. etc... MAKE BACKUPS 1st tho.

ALSO - the number of officers you have on your attacking ship in a ship to ship battle has a HUGE impact on how your men fight. the more you have - the high your kill ratio. I run with at least 6 to 10 officers on my attacking ship. No one ever beats me.

THIRDLY - at the end of your voyage - move everything to the docks (including your gold) then sell your smallest ship. Next, move everything onto your remaining ships (including your gold) - then buy back your smallest ship, move all your marines and gunners onto that ship, as well as all the scrub officers that you don't want to keep. Now, with nothing but men and officers on that small ship, sail out to sea and sink the ship yourself when it is far away from the other ships in your fleet. A huge percentage of your men die, leaving a massive amount of gold for you and the rest of your crew, sending your fame through the roof, and there is no reputation penalty. I got my fame up to 166,666 doing this, and i believe that is as high as it goes.

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