Deus Ex Cheats - PC

 All cheats for this game by platform: PC
Check out these Deus Ex cheats and stay cool!
Downloadable Deus Ex Cheats
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Nov. 25, 2005
Nov. 25, 2005
Nov. 25, 2005
Nov. 25, 2005

NOTE: There are 1 more download(s) available for our registered users. Log in or register now to access them!
Primary Collection of Cheats
Cheat Mode
Edit user.ini in the deusex/system folder and change an empty key binding from (example!) 't=' to 't=talk' (do this for all occurances of 't='). In game, press T to make a line 'Say:' display at the bottom. Delete the word 'Say'. Always type on a blank line.

To activate cheatmode, type in
"set DeusEx.JCDentonMale bCheatsEnabled True" without the quotes in the console. Now you may type any of the codes listed below:

Note: If you do not want to type the "set DeusEx.JCDentonMale bCheatsEnabled True" line, you may alternatively add -hax0r to your DeusEx shortcut.
Example: "D:\games\Deus Ex\System\DeusEx.exe" -hax0r

ALLAMMO: Refill Ammo
ALLAUGS: All Basic Augmentations
ALLCREDITS: 10,000 Credits
ALLENERGY: Full Energy
ALLHEALTH: Full Health
ALLSKILLPOINTS: Gives All Skill Points
ALLWEAPONS: Give All Weapons
BEHINDVIEW 1/0: Third Person View On/Off
GOD: God Mode
INVISIBLE: Invisibility
LEGEND: Secret Menu
EMP Field INVISIBLE: Invisibility
FLY: Fly Mode
LEGEND: Secret Menu
OPENSESAME: Unlock Targeted Door
SLOMO #: Higher # = Faster Gameplay
SPAWNMASS: Spawn A Mass Of Enemies
SUMMON X #: Summon Item X (See List Below)
TANTALUS: Kill Current Target
WALK: Fly mode off

Summon Objects:

Lockpick, Basketball, MultiTool, AcousticSensor, Ammo10mm, AmmoDart, AmmoDartPoison, AmmoDartFlare, AmmoNapalm, AmmoPlasma, Ammo3006, AmmoRockets, AmmoRocketWP, Ammo20mm, AmmoSabot, WeaponPistol, WeaponRifle, WeaponStealthPistol, WeaponShuriken, WeaponSawedOffShotgun, WeaponProd, WeaponPlasmaRifle, WeaponAssaultShotgun, WeaponFlameThrower, WeaponGasGrenade, WeaponLAM, Weaponmodaccuracy, Weaponmodclip, Weaponmodlaser, Weaponmodrange, Weaponmodrecoil, Weaponmodscope, Weaponmodsilencer, WeaponCombatKnife, WeaponCrowbar, WeaponHideAGun, WeaponAssaultGun, WeaponLAW, WeaponPepperGun, WeaponMiniCrossbow, WeaponSword, WeaponBaton, WeaponNanoSword, WeaponEMPGrenade, WeaponNanoVirusGrenade, Weapongepgun, Weaponmodreload, AugBallistic, AugCloak, AugDatalink, AugEMP, AugEnviro, AugIFF, AugShield, AugStealth, AugTarget, Terrorist, JCDentonMale, PaulDenton, Greasel, Gray, TiffanySavage, NicoletteDuClare, JoeGreene, WaltonSimons, JojoFine, AlexJacobson, JaimeReyes, BobPage, RepairBot, MedicalBot, HazMatSuit, Sodacan, Candybar, Liquor40oz, SoyFood, VialAmbrosia, Rebreather, AdaptiveArmor, Binoculars, BallisticArmor, LiquorBottle, Credits, WineBottle, Cigarettes, MedKit, VialCrack, Flare, FireExtinguisher, Cat, Rat, Mutt, Seagull

Augmentation List:

AugCombat - Combat Strength (Greater Melee Strength - Melee attacks are more damaging)
AugMuscle - Microfibral Muscle (Greater Lifting Strength)
AugBallistic - Ballistic Shield (Protects player from physical projectiles/weapons)
AugShield - Energy Shield (Protects player from energy projectiles/weapons)
AugCloak - Cloak (Concealment from organic entities - guards, soldiers, cops)
AugRadarTrans - Radar Transparency (Concealment from mechanical entities - bots, cameras, turrets etc)
AugHeartlung - Synthetic Heart (Upgrades performance of all augs)
AugPower - Power Recirculator (Reduces power cost of all augmentations)
AugAqualung - Player can swim better
AugHealing - Players healing rate increased AugEnviro - Environmental Resistance
AugEMP - EMP Shield (Protects player from EMP damage)
AugTarget - Targeting (Provides info on target and increases accuracy)
AugVision - Vision Enhancement (see through walls, night vision etc)
AugDefense - Aggresive Defense System (Protects against missiles and grenades)
AugDrone - Spy Drone (player can launch a drone for reconnaisance, disabling cameras and turrets etc)
AugStealth - Player can run silently
AugSpeed - Player can run faster
Augmentationupgradecannister - ///

Warning: Many of the Augmentations occupy the same slot (e.g. if you install the Stealth augmentation, you cannot install the Speed augmentation, and vice versa). So choose wisely. I recommend that you save your game just before using this cheat, then if you are unhappy with your choices, you can always reload your game and start over.
Another Set of Cheats for This Game
Some Useful Cheats
View Cinematics
After enabling the cheats type any of the following to view the cinema:

Open 00_Intro
Open 99_Endgame1
Open 99_Endgame2
Open 99_Endgame3
Open 99_Endgame4

(note: "Open 00_Intro" is the Introduction cinema and the others are each four different endings to Deus Ex)

Increase Energy
Type "set deusex.jcdentonmale energy 10000" in the console to hypermaximize your energy (allows longer Augmentation use).
Level Codes
Some Useful Cheats
After enabling the cheats type any of the following to skip to that level:

Open 00_Intro
Open 00_Training
Open 00_TrainingCombat
Open 00_TrainingFinal
Open 01_NYC_UNATCOIsland
Open 02_NYC_Bar
Open 02_NYC_BatteryPark
Open 02_NYC_FreeClinic
Open 02_NYC_Hotel
Open 02_NYC_Smug
Open 02_NYC_Street
Open 02_NYC_Underground
Open 02_NYC_Warehouse
Open 03_NYC_747
Open 03_NYC_Airfield
Open 03_NYC_AirfieldHeliBase
Open 03_NYC_BatteryPark
Open 03_NYC_BrooklynBridgeStation
Open 03_NYC_Hangar
Open 03_NYC_MolePeople
Open 03_NYC_UNATCOIsland
Open 04_NYC_Bar
Open 04_NYC_BatteryPark
Open 04_NYC_Hotel
Open 04_NYC_Smug
Open 04_NYC_Street
Open 04_NYC_UNATCOIsland
Open 04_NYC_Underground
Open 05_NYC_UNATCOIsland
Open 05_NYC_UNATCOMJ12lab
Open 06_HongKong_Helibase
Open 06_HongKong_MJ12lab
Open 06_HongKong_Storage
Open 06_HongKong_TongBase
Open 06_HongKong_VersaLife
Open 06_HongKong_WanChai_Canal
Open 06_HongKong_WanChai_Garage
Open 06_HongKong_WanChai_Market
Open 06_HongKong_WanChai_Street
Open 06_HongKong_WanChai_Underworld
Open 08_NYC_Bar
Open 08_NYC_FreeClinic
Open 08_NYC_Hotel
Open 08_NYC_Smug
Open 08_NYC_Street
Open 08_NYC_Underground
Open 09_NYC_Dockyard
Open 09_NYC_Graveyard
Open 09_NYC_Ship
Open 09_NYC_ShipBelow
Open 09_NYC_ShipFan
Open 10_Paris_Catacombs
Open 10_Paris_Catacombs_Tunnels
Open 10_Paris_Chateau
Open 10_Paris_Club
Open 10_Paris_Metro
Open 11_Paris_Cathedral
Open 11_Paris_Everett
Open 11_Paris_Underground
Open 12_Vandenberg_Cmd
Open 12_Vandenberg_Computer
Open 12_Vandenberg_Gas
Open 12_Vandenberg_Tunnels
Open 14_OceanLab_Lab
Open 14_Oceanlab_Silo
Open 14_OceanLab_UC
Open 14_Vandenberg_Sub
Open 15_Area51_Bunker
Open 15_Area51_Entrance
Open 15_Area51_Final
Open 15_Area51_Page
Open 99_Endgame1
Open 99_Endgame2
Open 99_Endgame3
Open 99_Endgame4

(note that number is the level number and then the city it is in and then the specific place in the city. For example: "Open 03_NYC_BatteryPark" is level 3 at Battery Park in New York City.)

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