Doorways Cheats - PC

 All cheats for this game by platform: PC
Check out these Doorways cheats and stay cool!
Achievements (Steam)
A true Agent - Pickup all notes.
Another Doorway - Discover the secret Easter Egg.
Bone Collector - Collect all relics of Bone from The Underworld.
Boy scout - Collect your first Relic.
Bronze Collector - Collect all relics of Bronze from The Auditorium.
Chapter 1 cleared - Finish Chapter 1.
Chapter 2 cleared - Finish Chapter 2.
Chapter 3 cleared - Finish Chapter 3.
Chapter 4 cleared - Finish Chapter 4.
Conclusion - Finish the Game.
Creating Art - Find all Museum paints.
Discovering Science - Find all Hospital sheets.
Flesh Collector - Collect all relics of Flesh from The Abyss.
Making History - Find all Torture sketches.
Marble Collector - Collect all Relics of Marble from The Cave.
Metal Collector - Collect all Relics of Metal from The Forest of Stakes.
No more introduction - Finish the Tutorial.
Professional - Collect all Relics.
The Case of "The Asador" - Pickup all notes from The Abyss.
The Case of "The Professor" - Pickup all notes from The Forest of Stakes.
The Case of "The Sculptor" - Pickup all notes from The Auditorium.
The Case of "The Surgeon" - Pickup all notes from The Underworld.
The Journey - Pickup all notes from The Cave.
Un aplauso para el asador - Find all House photos.
X Files - Find all evidences.

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