Cheat Mode
Type the following codes while playing.
DNALLEN - Displays message "Buy Major Stryker"
DNUNLOCK - Unlocks and opens all doors.
DNCLIP - Walk through walls (It may crash).
DNWEAPONS - All weapons and ammo.
DNMONSTERS - Monster will disappear (if you're standing close to him).
DNKEYS - All Keys.
DNINVENTORY - Gives you keys guns, etc.
DNDEATH - Kills all monsters dnlazers-you get monsters weapons.
DNRATE - Displays frame rate.
DNHYPER - Steroids dnpaintballs-you fire paintballs.
DNCORNHOLIO - God Mode Toggle
DNKROZ - God Mode Toggle
DNCOSMO - Displays message "Register Cosmo Today!"
DNSTUFF - All weapons, ammo, and key cards
DNBETA - Displays message: Pirates Suck!
DNSCOTTY#l - (Where # is the episode number and l is the level number)
DNVIEW - Chase plane view
DNCASHMAN - Makes Duke throw money when you press the space bar.
DNITEMS - All items and key cards.
DNFART - Make Duke Nukem fart.
DNENDING - Last level.
DNPLUTONIUM - Lot of atomic stuff.