Dungeon Siege Cheats - PC
All cheats for this game by platform:
Downloadable Dungeon Siege Cheats
cheat description |
size |
FAQ Nov. 25, 2005 | | 17KB |
FAQ Nov. 25, 2005 | | 76KB |
ITEM EDITING FAQ Nov. 25, 2005 | | 4KB |
BEST ITEMS FAQ Nov. 25, 2005 | | 17KB |
EDITING FAQ Nov. 25, 2005 | | 3KB |
TITLES GUIDE Nov. 25, 2005 | | 2KB |
SAVEGAME Nov. 25, 2005 | | 1.5MB |
UHS MODULE Nov. 25, 2005 | | 179KB |
DUNGEON SIEGE CHEAT - ENHANCEMENT v2.0 Nov. 25, 2005 | | 3KB |
DUNGEON SIEGE CHEAT - ENHANCEMENT v3.0 Nov. 25, 2005 | | 3KB |
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Primary Collection of Cheats
Cheat Mode
To enable Dungeon Siege cheats hit [Enter] and type: (+ turns cheats on, - turns them off)
+zool - Invincible
+chunky - Always chunky
+superchunky - Chunk factor
+version - Game version
+drdeath - Get 150 of all!
+shootall - Clicks not required
+sixdemonbag - Get six powerfull summon spells
+loefervision - No fog
+xrayvision - No textures
+minjooky - Char very small
+maxjooky - Char very big
+checksinthemail - 999999 Gold
+sniper - All characters can shoot enemy from great distance
+movie - Record a movie (use -movie to stop)
+mouse - Enable mouse
+rings - Enable selection rings
+potionaholic - 3 of Super Mana & Super Heal Potions
+faertehbadgar - 4 Rings, Cap, Rags, Boots, Bow, more
+gui - Add/Remove GUI
+resizelabels - Increase the Character Name Font Size if L is active
NOTE: On game versions newer than 1.09.2 chunky and superchunky codes don't work.
Another Set of Cheats for This Game
Force Game Into Window
Create a shortcut to the dungeonsiege executable and add fullscreen=false.
Forced High Res
Create a shortcut to the dungeonsiege executable and add height=#### width=####, where #### is your desired resolution (1200 x 1600 or 768 x 1024 is fairly common). If your #### is three digits, enter them as is (768 instead of 0768).
Skip Intro FMV
The intro is cool, but after while you just want to skip it. If you create a shortcut to the dungeonsiege executable, add nointro=true to the command line.