Europa Universalis IV Cheats - PC

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Command Code
Press [~] for the command box to come up and then type the codes below:

Add casus belli against target country. MOHAHAHA i dont like you. WAAARRR!! - add_cb [casus belli tag] [target country tag]
Add core - add_core [Province ID]
Add natives to given province - add_natives [ProvinceID] [Amount]
Add opinion to/from tag - add_opinion [Country tag]
Add papal influence to tag - add_pi [Country tag]
Add patriach authority to tag - add_pa [Country tag]
Add reform level to the empire - add_reformlevel [Amount]
Add specified country tag to your interest - add_interest [Country tag]
Add's Stability - stability
Adds a colonist to a country - add_colonist [Country tag]
Adds a heir of a tag eg - add_heir 51 - add_heir [Target Country Tag]
Adds a missionary to a country - add_missionary [Country tag]
Adds diplomatic entroute - add_diplo
Adds more humans - morehumans [number]
Adds Piety - piety
Adds population to a province. - population [ProvinceID] [Amount]
Adds Prestige - prestige
Adds the specified idea group - power [stability/tech_table_key/idea_key]
Adds the specified idea group - add_idea_group [Idea group key]
Begin annex/annexes the specified tag - annex [Target Country Tag]
Begin integrate/integrates the specified tag - integrate [Target Country Tag]
Change controller - controll [Province ID]
Change mapmode. - mapmode [Mapmode type (int)]
Change ownership - own [Province ID]
Changes the currently playing soundtrack. - nextsong
Clears the console. Nope i didn't cheat - clear
Creates an savefile. - savegame
Discover capital of target tag - discover [Target Country Tag]
Double Rainbow help from an unicorn - helphelp
Enables/Disables Self-Learning AI enable make AI smarter - selflearningai
Executes an event eg - event 3041 51 - event [event id] [Target Country Tag]
Extra Manpower - manpower (Insert Number)
Extra Money - Cash (Insert Number)
Fog of War turned off ! - fow off
Fog of War turned on ! - fow on
force Polls valid Events - poll
Get administrative power. the rules administration improve - adm [AMOUNT> OPTIONAL]
Get diplomatic power - dip [AMOUNT> OPTIONAL]
Get military power - mil [AMOUNT> OPTIONAL]
Get power in all powers - powerpoints [AMOUNT> OPTIONAL]
Gives max war score in all wars for the country - winwars
Go to the nudge tool - nudge
How often does the combat view give a random sound? 0-50 0 the lowest 50 the highest - combatsound
Increase your Imperial Authority - imperial_authority [VALUE]
Kills the first cardinal in the list - kill_cardinal
Kills the heir of a tag eg - kill_heir 51 - kill_heir [Target Country Tag]
Kills the monarch of a tag eg - kill 51 - die(kill) [Target Country Tag]
Make the client go oos - oos
Price Info. recorded on the gamelog in Documents\Paradox Interactive\Europa Universalis IV\logs - prices
Print out all console commands or a specific command description. - help [command name]
Prints out the used memory - memory
Region Balance output. - balance
Reloads the entire interface usefull when you play for a long time, to avoid laggyness - reloadinterface
Reloads the gui (reload gui) or lua file (reload lua) type - reload [VAR]
Remove casus belli from target country. you had dust on your shoulder. Dont worry - remove_cb [casus belli tag] [target country tag]
Remove core - remove_core [Province ID]
Removes specified country tag from your interest - remove_interest [Country tag]
Removes the defender of the Faith for the players religion - remove_defender_faith
Requests the gamestate from host - requestgamestate
Score output. - score
Set the legitimacy of the ruler - legitimacy [AMOUNT]
Sets a forced sprite level. Specify no argument to reset. - spritelevel [Sprite level]
Sets the missionary progress for a province. - setmissionaryprogress [ProvinceID] [Amount]
Shows all votes for a cardinal in the tooltip of his name - papvotes
Shows your IP - IP
Starts a Pirate in a province - pirate [Province ID]
Starts a Revolt in a province - revolt [Province ID]
Switch tag to another country - tag [Country tag]
Switches to play no country at all, and no longer shows messages or pauses the game - observe(spectator)
Tests a mission without triggering it - testmission [Mission Name]
Tests an event without triggering it - testevent [Event ID] [Character ID]
Toggles additional AI info - aiview
Toggles AI positive responses for everything Yes! - yesman
Toggles all messages popup - msg
Toggles debug display of normals/bounding boxes/collision - collision(debug_collision)
Toggles fullscreen - fullscreen
Toggles Terra Incognita on/off - ti(debug_ti)
Toggles the pausebanner for nicer screenshots. - nopausetext
Turns off fog of war in a province or in general - fow(debug_fow) [Province ID> OPTIONAL]
Validates all events without triggering it - validateevents
Vassalize the specified tag - vassalize [Target Country Tag]
W00t What time is it? i play too much - time
Wins the siege in the specified province - siege [Province ID]
Achievements (Steam)
A Kaiser not just in name - Enact all reforms in the Holy Roman Empire.
African Power - Own all provinces in Africa as Kongo.
Agressive Expander - Own 200 provinces.
All belongs to Mother Russia - Form Russia.
An early Reich - Form Germany.
At every continent - Own one province on each continent.
Azur semé de lis or - Get all the French Cores as France.
Basileus - Restore the Roman Empire.
Brothers in Arms - Win a war as a secondary participant.
No Pirates in my Caribbean - Own the entire Caribbean.
No trail of tears - Own the Thirteen Colonies as a westernized Cherokee.
Norwegian Wood - Own all naval supplies provinces as Norway.
Not so sad a state... - As Portugal, have a colony in Brazil and in Africa.
One night in Paris - Own Paris as England or Great Britain.
Poland can into space - As Poland, reach the maximum level in all technologies (32).
Respected - Have 100 prestige, 100 legitimacy and three stability.
Royal Authority - Install an union through a succession war.
Ruina Imperii - Dismantle the Holy Roman Empire.
Seriously?! - Kill 10,000 men in one battle.
Spain is the Emperor - Become the Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire as Spain.
Sweden is not overpowered! - Own the entire Baltic coastline as Sweden.
That is mine! - Conquer a province.
That's a Grand Army - Build up your army to your country's maximum army forcelimit.
That's a Grand Navy - Build up your navy to your country's maximum navy forcelimit.
The Chrysanthemum Throne - Unite Japan as a Daimyo.
Cold War - Win a war without fighting a single battle.
Defender of the Faith - Become Defender of the Faith.
Definitely the Sultan of Rum - Own Rome, Moscow and Istanbul as Ottomans.
Down Under - Have a colony in Australia.
For the Glory - Diplo-annex a vassal.
Isn't this the way to India? - Discover the Americas as Castile or Spain.
It's all about luck - Win a battle against a great leader, without a leader.
It's all about the money - Accumulate 3,000 gold.
Italian Ambition - Form Italy.
Jihad - As Najd, conquer Europe, Africa and Asia and convert it to Sunni religion.
Market Control - Be trade leader of seven different goods.
Master of India - Own all of India as a European nation.
My armies are invincible! - Gain at least 7.0 land morale.
The Emperors new clothes - Overthrow Austria and become the Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire.
The pen is mightier than the sword - Have three unions at the same time as Austria.
The Three Mountains - Conquer the World as Ryukyu.
This navy can take it all - Gain at least 7.0 naval morale.
Traditional Player - More than 90 percent Naval and Army Tradition.
True Catholic - Control three Cardinals.
Truly Divine Ruler - Get a 5/5/5 Ruler.
Until death do us apart - Secure a Royal Marriage with another country.
Victorious! - Win a war.
Viva la Revolución! - Have rebels you support in another country enforce their demands.
World Conqueror - Conquer the World.
World Discoverer - Discover the whole world.

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