Extreme Warfare Revenge Cheats - PC

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Check out these Extreme Warfare Revenge cheats and stay cool!
Release workers for free
If you want to get rid of a worker that is either causing you trouble backstage, or just putting on crappy matches, or whatever reason you may have, here's a trick to get rid of them for free. If you promote and demote them up and down the roster, eventually their morale will drop below 40. When it's below 40 you can offer them a release and they will leave for free, saving you the money it would take to buy out their contract.

Boost low morale
If a worker has low morale, and is at Upper Midcard or Main Eventer, simply move down card until the worker is at Jobber. Then, move him up card until he is back at his position. His morale will be considerably higher.

Longer Contract
Before you write the contract, change it from open to written and then put it to 5 years. Put the monny up a little more then $300.

Feud Tip
Have a good plan for the World Heavyweight Championship? Want to set up a huge feud between Triple H and HBK for it? Well, don't set it up before WrestleMania, silly! Always start a feud fresh before a PPV. Give it time to develop before you decide to end it. If you end it too quickly, the workers will lose morale and overness.

Getting Good Match Ratings
When this game means real life Wrestling simulation, it means it. The most memorable matches in real wrestling today can get you remarkably good ratings on the game. Also, people who aren't the best in real life will help bring match ratings down.

Ex Good: Chris Benoit against Kurt Angle, Chris Jericho against Shawn Michaels, Chris Jericho against the Rock.
Ex Bad: Big Show against Spike Dudley, Mark Henry against Rhyno, Big Guy vs Small guy matches

Good Feuds/Bad Feuds
In EWR you have good and bad feuds i have took it upon myself to hand out a few good feuds and examples of bad feuds:

Bad Feuds: Ultimo Dragon vs A-Train, Big Show vs Funaki, Kane vs Tommy Dreamer
Good Feuds: Eddie Guerrero vs Chris benoit, Edge vs Rhyno, Pogo The Clown vs Doink The Clown, Kurt Angle vs Chris Benoit

The Key to a good feud is to document it well (e.g. finish it with a speical match and use interview etc.) (A bad feud can normally be a big guy (.g. Big Show vs a cruiserweight (Kidman) so try to use main eventers against main eventers etc. and a good heal vs face feud always brings in the ratings. If your gonna have a face vs face feud or heel vs heel try to turn one of the workers so it turns out better.

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