Gangsters: Organized Crime Cheats - PC

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Check out these Gangsters: Organized Crime cheats and stay cool!
Downloadable Gangsters: Organized Crime Cheats
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Nov. 25, 2005

NOTE: There are 1 more download(s) available for our registered users. Log in or register now to access them!
Primary Collection of Cheats
Cheat Mode
Type in the following codes in at any menu. You will hear a sound when typed correctly. Type the cheat again to disable. Cheats are written to the registry, so they will be available next time you play the game.

BIGANDPINK - Hard Difficulty
BRINGMEBACKTOEARTH - Restore Normal Gravity
GIVEMESCORPIO - Scorpio League
GIVEMETAURUS - Taurus League
TROTTERS - Expert Difficulty
I LOVE HANSON (in the lieutenant page [case sensitive]) - Get $50,000

NOTE: Don't type this if your money is more than that amount.
Another Set of Cheats for This Game
Some Useful Cheats
The following is a "Registry Cheat".
ALWAYS backup your registry before attempting this cheat - if you are unfamiliar with editing the Windows registry, you should not attempt this cheat.

1. Click "Start"
2. Choose the "Run" option.
3. Type regedit and press enter.
4. Navigate through the following: "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE" => "SOFTWARE" => "HOTHOUSE" => "GANGSTERS"

Change the TAG: "DEFAULT_MONEY" Change it from 2710 to 207101a and you now start with $34,017,306 instead of the usual $10,000. You can also change it to 207101aaaa and you'll get about 654 million dollars. Change "DEFAULT_HOODS" to ff and you now start with 256 hoods. Free Business
In the Gang Organizer, go to the city maps. Bring up the info on any business and let the mouse hover around over the box until a little 'Return to base' tip appears. Click there and the business is yours. If you want, you can sell it on the spot and the cash will go directly into your assets. Or you can wait until next week when you can send someone to run the business.

$3000 For Gangs
Press and hold the D,A,R and T keys together to give each gang $3,000

Easy Properties
Extort some properties (it will not matter if they want to pay you the money). After that week, look on the map and double click on the property that was extorted. A picture of the owner will appear with details about the shop. Move the cursor next to the picture in the "blank space" and the cursor will change. Click when this happens and the property will become yours. Do not forget to send a man to run the place the following week.

To get easy properties without extortion, use the following steps. Beside the picture are invisible buttons that say (in order) sack hood, return to base, and hood pay. Press the "Return To Base" button and then you own it. Doing this also (one week after the process) allows you to buy the empty area in the middle of tenement blocks.

Free Items
Go to the Lieutenant's page of the Gang Organizer, open the Cars menu, and go to the "Black Market". Instead of clicking on the car you want and waiting for the money clip to appear, quickly drag the car of your choice from the "Black Market" page to the picture of it on the Lieutenant's side. If this was done fast enough, the item will be yours, with no money being subtracted. This can also be done with guns, but does not work with recruited hoods. Note: Try this first without having enough money for the object, as it takes some practice. After each time this trick is used (whether successful or not), exit the "Black Market" and return.
Defeating Opposing Gangs Faster
To kill opposing gangs faster, torch their headquarters. This is much faster than bombing them. Torching kills the leader in one shot instead of twice when bombing. This may be difficult if it is enclosed by other buildings. If the headquarters is enclosed, make sure you send in more than one group of hoods to torch it. Killing most of the opposing gang's hoods will also weaken their headquarters' defense.

Quickly Find Enemy Hideouts
Pause game play at the beginning of the week and look for cars parked at treatment blocks. There will only be a few and will save time. Mark down where you found the car parked at the treatment block and explore it the next week.

Make More Money
Enable the "$50,000" code and buy large amounts of red cars. You can only buy ten at a time. Return to the car screen and sell all the cars that you bought. You can only make $2,500 back from selling them (half the money back you paid for).

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