Homeworld 2 Cheats - PC

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Downloadable Homeworld 2 Cheats
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Nov. 25, 2005

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How to unlock all the missions?
Use a text editor to edit the "playercfg.lua" file in the "\homeworld2\bin\profiles\profile1" folder. Find the "maxmission = x" entry and change its value to the level you want unlocked (for example, setting maxmission value to 15 will unlock all missions). Then, you need to make a copy of last "persist*.lua" file (in "homeworld2\BIN\Profiles\Profile1\Campaign\ASCENSION" folder (where * is any level number that you had played). Just make a copy of it and then replace * with the level you want to play (i.e if you want to play level 6, copy "persist4.lua" file to "persist6.lua"). If you don't do this, the game finds no player ships in the next level, and it regards it as failed (Mothership doesn't exist).

Modify RU's
Locate the file "persist*.lua" where the * is the mission number. The file is in the "Homeworld2\Bin\Profiles\Profile\CampaignASCENSION" folder. Open the "persist*.lua" file with a text editor such as Notepad. Locate "RUs =" at the bottom of the file and change the value to whatever you like.

Change the number of starting ships
Use a text editor to edit the "persist*.lua" file in the "\homeworld2\bin\profiles\profile1\campaign\ascension" folder. Note: the number in the filename corresponds to the mission. Open the "persist*.lua" for the desired mission and search for a string of lines as follows:
shiphold = {
name = '''',
teamColourHandle = 0,
hotkey = 67108872,
tactic = 1,
type = ''Hgn_AssaultFrigate'',
subsystems = {
buildjobs = {
size = 1,
shiphold = {
name = '''',
teamColourHandle = 0,
hotkey = 67108872,
Ok, there is a lot of information here you don't really need. The important part is type = "Hgn_assault_frigate". If you want more of it, just copy the entire string:
tactic = 1,
type = ''Hgn_AssaultFrigate'',
subsystems = {
buildjobs = {
size = 1,
shiphold = {
name = '''',
teamColourHandle = 0,
hotkey = 67108872,
and paste it below. This will give you one more ship for each one pasted. You can create a huge fleet if desired. Note: If you make a lot of ships that "fly" out of the mothership in the beginning, then you have to wait for all of them. This could be a while if you make 50 or so. Try to stick to frigates since they warp in separately. You can also edit the research you currently have and the modules in the ships.

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