Jedi Knight 2: Jedi Outcast Cheats - PC

 All cheats for this game by platform: PC
Check out these Jedi Knight 2: Jedi Outcast cheats and stay cool!
Downloadable Jedi Knight 2: Jedi Outcast Cheats
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Nov. 25, 2005
Nov. 25, 2005
Nov. 25, 2005
Nov. 25, 2005
Nov. 25, 2005
Nov. 25, 2005
Nov. 25, 2005

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Primary Collection of Cheats
Cheat Mode
To enable cheats, while playing a game, bring down the console with [Shift]+[~] and type "devmapall" or "helpusobi 1". You can then enter any of the following codes in the console:

god - God Mode
noclip - No Clipping Mode
notarget - Enemies Ignore You
kill - Kill Yourself
give all - Give all weapons and health + armor at max
give weapons - Give all weapons
give health - Full health
give armor - Full armor
give ammo - Full ammo
give force - Full force bar
give inventory - Full inventory
give batteries - Full battery bar
give weaponnum <weapon number> - Spawn indicated weapon
spawn <item name> - Spawn indicated item (See the list below)
npc spawn <npc_name> - Spawn an NPC (See the list below)
map <map_name> - Load level (See the list below)
fly_xwing - Fly an X-Wing (it usually crashes the game)
drive_atst - Ride an ATST (to get out of ATST type the code again)
use atst_death - Destroy all AT-STs
screenshot - Screenshot
levelshot - Screenshot without the console window
r_showtris ! - Wireframe display
setviewpos <x> <y> <z> <yaw> - Place camera at indicated coordinates
where <classname> - Reveal where indicated entity is located
force_heal - Use Force Heal ability
control <NPC name> - Control any ally that is following you
taunt - Kyle taunts
thereisnospoon - bullettime :)
undying - Sets health and armor max at 999
victory - End level / Will make kyle do something like flipping his weapon
where - Warp
setForceAll 3 - All Force Powers
setForceAll 39 - Take over bodies
g_saberRealisticCombat 1 - Dismemberments
g_dismemberProbabilities 0 - Disable the chance calculations for dismembering enemies with your lightsaber
g_dismemberment 1 - Turning dismemberment on (can be done in the setup if ui_iscensored = 0)
cg_thirdpersonvertoffset -5 - Move the camera vertically
cg_thirdpersoncameradamp 0 - Cinematic fighting
cg_thirdpersonrange # - Change camera distance in third person (# = 1-9999; default=80)
cg_simpleitems 1 - Simpleitems
cg_crosshairsize # - Change crosshair size (# = 0-99999; default 24)
d_slowmotiondeath 9 - Always Have A Matrix Kill (default 1)
d_npcfreeze 0 - Stop all NPC Actions (to restart it type "d_npcfreeze 0")
setForceJump <level> - Set Force Jump level (1-3)
setForceHeal <level> - Set Force Heal level (1-3)
setForcePush <level> - Set Force Push level (1-3)
setForcePull <level> - Set Force Pull level (1-3)
setForceSpeed <level> - Set Force Speed level (1-3)
setForceGrip <level> - Set Force Grip level (1-3)
setForceLightning <level> - Set Force Lightning level (1-3)
setForceAll <level> - Sets Force Level of all abilities (1-3)
setForceMindTrick <level> - Mind Trick Level up Force (1-3)
setSaberThrow <level> - Set lightsaber throw level (1-3)
setSaberOffense <level> - Set lightsaber offensive level (1-3)
setSaberDefense <level> - Set lightsaber defensive level (1-3)
saberColor <color> - Set lightsaber color (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple)
quit - Quit game
give eweaps - ?
viewobjective <objective number> - ?
setobjective <objective number> <display status> <status> - ?
nav - ?
exitview - ?
r_speeds ! - ?
com_speeds ! - ?

Map Names (to use it with map command): kejim_post, kejim_base, artus_mine, artus_detention, artus_topside, valley, yavin_temple, yavin_trial, ns_streets, ns_hideout, ns_starpad, bespin_undercity, bespin_streets, bespin_platform, cairn_bay, cairn_assembly, cairn_reactor, cairn_dock1, doom_comm, doom_detention, doom_shields, yavin_swamp, yavin_canyon, yavin_courtyard, yavin_final, pit, ctf_bespin, ctf_imperial, ctf_ns_streets, ctf_yavin, duel_bay, duel_jedi, duel_pit, duel_carbon, ffa_bespin, ffa_deathstar, ffa_imperial, ffa_ns_hideout, ffa_ns_streets, ffa_raven, ffa_yavin.

NPC Spawn List (to use with npc spawn command): Bad Guys - stormtrooper, rokettrooper, imperial, impcommander, impofficer, impworker, rodian, reborn, rebornfencer, rebornboss, mark1, mark2, atst (this one needs alot of room), probe, sentry, stcommander, rebornforceuser, minemonster, tavion, rebornacrobat, interrogator, trandoshan, desann, gran, granshooter, weequay, reelo, stofficer. GoodGuys - rebel, jedi, jeditrainer, jan, lando, seeker, mouse, protocol, protocol_imp, r2d2, r5d2, r2d2_imp, gonk, bespincop, ugnaught, luke, monmothma.

Item List (to use with spawn command): item_bacta, misc_atst_drivable.

NOTE: If you cannot access the console, go to your /gamedata/base/ folder and edit 2config.cfg. Add the following line:

bind ~ "toggleconsole".

NOTE 2: The problem with using setForce... cheats is that they will reset to what powers you would normally have after loading a new level. Best thing to do would be to bind a key to SetForceAll X, with the syntax in the console: bind X "SetForceAll 3" as that appears, with quotes. You can do the same with devmapall and any other cheat so you effectively don't need the console.
Another Set of Cheats for This Game
Play as Desann
When fighting Desann either yavin_final or artus_detention type setForceAll 1138, when you use jedi mind trick on Desann you get to play his character for a brief period. This cheat actually works on all characters in the game when you use jedi mind trick.

Double-Sided Light Saber
Here's a little fun thing to do in the game. This actually exists. But theres some factors in order to use it: * only works in multiplayer * only works on servers with cheats active. So you won't be able to run around multiplayer servers using it, since they all have cheats disabled. But you can use it for a botmatches, if you like. Here's how to do it.

- Start a game in any map you like.
- Press shift+tilde (or whatever is to the left of 1 on your keyboard)
- Type in devmapall (mapname) - this will designated map.
- Then ignite your lightsaber.
- Then turn it off (just press one) so that you're holding just the handle.
- Then go into the console and type /thedestroyer

If all has worked well, your double bladed saber should ignite, and you can go hack up some bots or something. For fun saber action, make a text file called "autoexec.cfg" in your GameData/Base directory, and add these 2 lines. HelpUsObi 1 g_saberRealisticCombat 1

Light Saber
Bring up the console using tilde and shift and type helpusobi 1. Now type "set force all 999" and voila... you now have one handed versions of the fast and strong lightsaber modes!

Changing the Reborn into a Different Skin Color
If you wanna different skin color for reborn model type the following commands: For the Blue Reborn Skin type "model reborn/acrobat", for the Red/Yellow Skin type "model reborn/forceuser", for the Dark Blue/Red Skin type "model reborn/boss" and for the Green Skin type "model reborn/fencer".

Massive Jedi Battle
First press [Left Shift] + [~] and type "helpusobi 1". Type "map [map name]" to choose the place you want to fight. (Try to pick a big area such as pit* map cause there're not many things to lag you up).

Then type "npc spawn reborn" or "npc spawn tavion" or "npc spawn stormtrooper" you get the idea, anyone you want to kill. If you want someone on your side type "npc spawn luke" and Luke will fight with you. I like to change my lightsaber color, for a cool effect. To do so type "sabercolor [color]". Colors are blue, orange, yellow, purple*, green*, and red. (* - my favorites). That's it! Have fun HaCKin' eM' uP to little bits and pieces...I know that I do!

Double-Edged Lightsaber (Multiplayer Games with Cheats Enabled ONLY)
Start a game in any map you like. Press [Shift]+ [~]. Type in devmapall (mapname) - this will load the designated map. Then ignite your lightsaber. Then turn it off (just press one) so that you're holding just the handle. Then go into the console and type /thedestroyer. If it worked, your double-edged saber should ignite, and you can go back into the game.

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