Klingon Honor Guard Cheats - PC

 All cheats for this game by platform: PC
Check out these Klingon Honor Guard cheats and stay cool!
Primary Collection of Cheats
Cheat Mode
Press [Tab] once, then type in one of the following codes:

All ammunition - allammo
External view - behindview 1
Normal view - behindview 0
Reset bad textures on walls or creatures - flush
Fly mode - fly
No clipping mode - ghost
God mode - god
Hide all monsters, weapons, and items - hideactors
Show all monsters, weapons, and items - showactors
Disable invisibility - invisible0
Invisibility - invisible1
Kill selected monsters - killall <monster name><monster name>
Kill all monsters - killpawns
Level select (See Below) open <map name>
Disable timer - playersonly
Set game speed (1 is normal) - slomo <number><number>
Summon weapon, item, or monster - summon <item> <item>
Suicide - suicide
Walk mode; resets no clipping and flight modes - walk

After calling up the game console with the tilde key [~], type: summon klingons.<item>

summon klingons.<item><item>

where <item><item> can be: Daktagh (weapon 1), Disruptorpistol (weapon 2), Disruptorrifle (weapon 3), Assaultdisruptor (weapon 4), Spinclaw (weapon 5), Grenadelauncher (weapon 6), Rocketlauncher (weapon 7), Sithhar (weapon 8), Particlecannon (weapon 9), Batleth (weapon 10), Cipherkey, Genetickey, Palmkey, Passcardkey, Retinalkey, Combatarmor, Combatgoggles, Communicator, Gagh, Tricorder, Vacsuit

This is only a partial list of the items that can be summoned in the game.

Map Names (use with OPEN command): M02, M03, M04a, M04b, M05, M06a, M06b, M07, M08, M09a, M09b, M10, M11, M12, M13, M14, M15, M16, M17, M18a, M18b, M18c, M19, M20a, M20b, M20c<map name> Disable timer playersonly Set game speed (1 is normal) slomo <number> Summon weapon, item, or monster summon <item> Suicide suicide Walk mode; resets no clipping and flight modes walk After calling up the game console with the tilde key [~], type: summon klingons.<item> where <item> can be: Daktagh (weapon 1) Disruptorpistol (weapon 2) Disruptorrifle (weapon 3) Assaultdisruptor (weapon 4) Spinclaw (weapon 5) Grenadelauncher (weapon 6) Rocketlauncher (weapon 7) Sithhar (weapon 8) Particlecannon (weapon 9) Batleth (weapon 10) Cipherkey Genetickey Palmkey Passcardkey Retinalkey Combatarmor Combatgoggles Communicator Gagh Tricorder Vacsuit This is only a partial list of the items that can be summoned in the game. Map Names (use with OPEN command) M02 M03 M04a M04b M05 M06a M06b M07 M08 M09a M09b M10 M11 M12 M13 M14 M15 M16 M17 M18a M18b M18c M19 M20a M20b M20c </map>

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