Cheat Mode
Press [Enter] to bring up the Message Box while playing, then enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function:
whatareyoudoing - Enable All of the Following Cheat Codes
icantwait - Super-fast sugar harvesting
givemeresourcesnow - Increases resources (12,000 sugar, 5,000 wood, 5,000 plancton)
setgodmodeplease - God Mode on/off
skipthislevelplease - Win mission
iliketoloose - Lose mission
on screen - Reveal map
showpath - Reveal map
fow on - Turn on "Fog of War"
fow off - Turn off "Fog of War"
fastdebug - Fast debug speed
normaldebug - Normal debug speed
speedallplease - Toggle fast debug Speed on/off
givemepowerplease - Give Mana to your Spell casting units