Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne Cheats - PC

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Check out these Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne cheats and stay cool!
Downloadable Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne Cheats
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Apr. 15, 2006
Nov. 25, 2005
Nov. 25, 2005
Nov. 25, 2005
Nov. 25, 2005

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Primary Collection of Cheats
Cheat Mode
To activate Max Payne 2 cheats start the game with "maxpayne2.exe -developer" command line. Then, while in the game press [~] to open the console and enter the following codes:

clear - Clear console screen
clr - Clear console screen
coder - God mode, all weapons, health, inifinite ammo
god - God Mode
mortal - disable god mode
getallweapons - Get all weapons
quit - quit game
showfps - Show fps rate
showextendedfps - Show extended fps rate
getberetta - Get beretta with 1000 ammo
getbullettime - Put player into bullettime
getcoltcommando - Get coltcommando with 1000 ammo
getdeserteagle - Get Desert Eagle with 1000 ammo
getdragunov - Get Dragunov with 1000 ammo
getgraphicsnovelpart1 - Fill in part of the story line
getgraphicsnovelpart2 - Fill in part of the story line
getgraphicsnovelpart3 - Fill in part of the story line
gethealth - Get 1000 health
getingram - Get Ingram with 1000 ammo
getkalashnikov - Get Kalashnikov with 1000 ammo
getmolotov - Get Molotov cocktail with 1000 ammo
getmp5 - Get MP5 with 1000 ammo
getpainkillers - Get 1000 painkillers
getpumpshotgun - Get pumpshotgun with 1000 ammo
getsawedshotgun - Get sawed-off shotgun with 1000 ammo
getsniper - Get sniper gun with 1000 ammo
getstriker - Get striker gun with 1000 ammo
jump10 - Jump 10 high
jump20 - Jump 20 high
jump30 - Jump 30 high
showhud - Turn on HUD
help - Much more debug commands
Some Useful Cheats
Most importantly, make full use of Shootdodging and Bullet Time to get the drop on bad guys, aim easier and take less damage. Max Payne 2 can be very difficult without using these modes.

Never forget to search each level thoroughly. Painkillers and weapons are hidden throughout the levels in some very unexpected places.

Use explosive objects to your advantage. Take out multiple enemies at once by shooting a single explosive barrel or ammo crate.

When a character offers to fight alongside Max Payne, take them up on the offer! Don't run ahead of them - watch their actions and use them to your advantage.

Talk to any characters encountered along the way. They may reveal important information or provide weapons and painkillers.

If Max crouches (hit 'C') during a gunfight, he presents a smaller target and is less likely to get hit. Crouching behind obstacles in combat provides the required second or two to reload a weapon before diving back into the action. Crouching will also steady the sniper rifle.

A good tactic in gun fights is to keep moving - don't be an easy target by standing still! Move side-to-side, do evasive rolls, and hide behind pillars and walls when reloading.

Sometimes offense is the best defense - when confronted by multiple enemies don't retreat. By pushing ahead and taking out enemies Max gains more Bullet Time and the tables can be turned.

All enemies are not alike - some more prominent enemies may be tougher to beat. Some enemy types have body armor covering the torso. Some areas of enemies are more vulnerable than others - use this to your advantage.

In Bullet Time, pay very close attention and dodge bullets as they fly by. This is a good way of avoiding damage in hectic gunfights. Use Bullet Time while sniping to help improve aim.

Don't pass up interesting items, TV shows or answering machines Max finds during game play.

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