Cheat Mode
First make sure NumLock is on, then during gameplay, slowly enter any of the following codes on the NumPad:
222222 - The enemy will go "kaboom!" after some time
333333 - $250,000
777 - $2,500,00
55555 - Full Map
44444 - Mission Accomplished
You can also bring down the console with tilde key [~] and type the following codes:
open <map name> - Load a level (see the list below)
playersonly - Disable timer
slomo <number> - Set game speed (1 is normal)
summon <item> - Summon weapon, item, or monster (see the list below)
suicide - Suicide
walk - Walk mode (resets no clipping and flight modes)
summon klingons.<item> - Summon Klingon's item (see the list below)
Item list: Daktagh (weapon 1), Disruptorpistol (weapon 2), Disruptorrifle (weapon 3), Assaultdisruptor (weapon 4), Spinclaw (weapon 5), Grenadelauncher (weapon 6), Rocketlauncher (weapon 7), Sithhar (weapon 8), Particlecannon (weapon 9), Batleth (weapon 10), Cipherkey, Genetickey, Palmkey, Passcardkey, Retinalkey, Combatarmor, Combatgoggles, Communicator, Gagh, Tricorder, Vacsuit.
<br.This is only a partial list of the items that can be summoned in the game.
Map Names (use with OPEN command): M02, M03, M04a, M04b, M05, M06a, M06b, M07, M08, M09a, M09b, M10, M11, M12, M13, M14, M15, M16, M17, M18a, M18b, M18c, M19, M20a, M20b, M20c