MDK Cheats - PC

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Check out these MDK cheats and stay cool!
Primary Collection of Cheats
Cheat Mode
Enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function. Note: The codes may only be activated once per level.

holokurtisfun - Hologram power-up.
nastyshotthanks - Homing sniper grenade.
showmoviemdkbzk - View bonus FMV sequence (enter this code after the drop from space on the first level).

If you have patched version enter the following cheat codes while playing.

ineedabiggun - Super Chaingun powerup once per level
holokurtisfun - Dummy powerup once per level
nastyshotthanks - Homing sniper grenade once per level
tornadoaway - Twister powerup once per level
486ok - Allow 486 machines to run

If you have unpatched North American version enter the following cheat codes while playing.

makemefull - Health once per level
masterblaster - Gatt powerup once per level
twistandshout - Twister powerup once per level
biggrenade - Homing sniper grenade once per level
486willbeslow - Allow 486 machines to run

While playing the game, press F1 to access the Help screen and enter the following codes.

makemefull - Restore Life
kill - Suicide

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