Medieval Lords: Build, Defend, Expand Cheats - PC

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Cheat Mode
Press [Shift]+[Ctrl]+[Alt]+C to access the console, then enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function:

addfood_500 - Adds 500 in food
addmoney_100000 - Adds 100000 in money
addmoneytechnofood - Adds 100000 to money, 1000 technology and 400 to food
addmoregold # - Adds the amount of gold you want
addtroopstomouse - Adds an army of swordsmen to your army
addtroopstomouse_cavalry - Adds an army of cavalry to your army
addtroopstomouse_enemy - Adds an army of archers to your army
addtroopstomouse_enemytoground - Adds an camp to your army
changemodecamera - Unknown
cheat_construction - Lets you build all buildings without any buildtime
city_update - Unknown
destroy_speedtree_objects - Removes all trees from map
dodamage - Unknown
fixed_camera # - Change the main camera mode, ie. fixed_camera 3
frame_rate - Shows framerate
freeprice - Everything is free of charge
freetechno - Gives access to all technology and buildings
general_energy - Heals your general
help - Will give you this list
mapsim - Unknown
mcaddzipfile - Add zip file into the path of the data for mcLib, ie. mcAddZipFile <Path>.zip
mcdatalibpath - Add the path of the data for mcLib, ie. mcDataLibPath <Path>
mcinclude - Decode each file given by argument
mcprint - Display the parameters as a trace
mcsetlanguage - Choose the language given by parameter
mgbkcolor - mgBkColor Red,Green,Blue
mgdebugdraw - Turn on/off immediate mode (mgDebugDraw Boolean)
mgfps - (same as mgFrameRate), ie. mgFPS Boolean
mgfr - (same as mgFrameRate), ie. mgFR Boolean
mgframerate - mgFrameRate Boolean
mgfullscreen - mgFullScreen Boolean,novsync
mgfullscreensize - mgFullScreenSize Width,Height
mgset3d - mgSet3D AdapterNumber,DeviceType,VertexProcessing,Depth
mgstats - mgStats Boolean
mgwindow - mgWindow X,Y,Width,Height
mgwindowname - mcWindowName Name_without_space
mikeyload - miKeyLoad Filename
mode_editor_troops_off - Unknown
mode_editor_troops_on - Unknown
nummapsim - Unknown
player_connect_all - Unknown
player_disconnect_all - Unknown
profiler - Shows how much CPU power is used
r_slopeanddefense_f8_refresh - Unknown
reload_.ini - Reloads main ini file
reload_city.ini - Reloads city.ini file
reload_rocbrush.ini - Reloads rocbrush.ini file
reloadlocalisation - Unknown
reset_enemys - Reset enemys back to beginning
reset_sim_historic - Reset the historic simulation
reset_terrain_128x128 - Unknown
reset_terrain_192x192 - Unknown
reset_terrain_64x64 - Unknown
restoreoriginalparamaters - Restore game original parameters
road_energy - Shows road energy with a color
road_point_&_segment - Shows point and segment with a color
road_segment_link - Unknown
setgold - Sets gold to the amount you want: setgold 1000000, for 1000000 in gold
sethp - Unknown
show_map_invasion - Shows map invasion
showdebuginfo - Shows debug info
showenemycamp - Shows enemy camp with a color
showmapinvasion - Shows map invasion with a color
slope - Turns off ground textures
stopsound - Turns off sound
terrain_set_0 - Changes to terrain set 0
terrain_set_1 - Changes to terrain set 1
terrain_set_2 - Changes to terrain set 2
territory_-_cell_info - Shows selected cell info
territory_-_show_all_cells - Shows all cell of the terrain
trailer_off - Turns off game panel
trailer_on - Turns on game panel
unactivedefense - Unknown
volume - Change the volume of the game sound: volume 96, for 96 in loudness
volume2d - Change the volume of the mono sound: volume2d 97, for 97 in loudness
volume3d - Change the volume of the surround: volume3d 98, for 98 in loudness
volumemusic - Change the volume of the music: volumemusic 99, for 99 in loudness
x - Unknown

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