Panzer General 2 Cheats - PC

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Check out these Panzer General 2 cheats and stay cool!
Downloadable Panzer General 2 Cheats
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Nov. 25, 2005
Nov. 25, 2005
Primary Collection of Cheats
Unlimited prestige points
Clear a city of enemy units and place one of your units within that city. Cancel the moving your units into the city to keep the prestige points earned. Repeat this procedure to gain an unlimited amount of prestige points. Note: This will only occur if the difficulty is over 100%.
Hex Cheats
Some Useful Cheats
This was used in the Blitzkreig Campaign. In the first scenario of the campaign save the game before doing anything. You should have about 500 prestige points. Exit the game. Using a Hex Editor open your save game and go to line 00002D80. It should look like this:

0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0200 F401 1400.

The offset F401 is the 500 prestige points. Change F401 to DAD6 to get 55000 prestige points. I dont know if the file where the prestige is will change in the other scenarios in the campaign as I just started playing. You can change it to more or less prestige points but I use DAD6 for a start.
Some Useful Cheats
Develop reliable air power early on for scouting and eventual bomber protection.

Name your important core units with a special character (such as an asterisk) to keep from confusing them with expendable auxiliary units.

Anticipate retreats when attacking weakened units; don't chase them into defensive terrain or away from massed attackers.

If you attack and destroy an enemy unit (I've tried this only once against a Russian Infantry in the Blitzkrig scenario) if your unit does not discover a new enemy unit you can kill the enemy unit, and push cancel turn. You will go back to the place where your unit began and the enemy unit will still be destroyed!

When you buy an artillery place it down somewhere it can shoot at an enemy unit... then buy another unit (I used an infantry). While you are in the place unit screen click on the artillery twice, once to put it back in the sub screen, and the second time it will come back, fully loaded and ready to fire again. I used this in the first level of Blitzkreige and it worked good. It may work in a scenario where you are defending very well...

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