Penny Arcade Adventures: On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness Cheats - PC

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Check out these Penny Arcade Adventures: On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness cheats and stay cool!
Downloadable Penny Arcade Adventures: On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness Cheats
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NOTE: There are 2 more download(s) available for our registered users. Log in or register now to access them!
Episode 1: Achievements (Steam)
A Winner Is You - Successfully complete the first episode.
All Together Now - Do a 3-member Team-Up Attack.
Clean Sweep - Find and kill every possible enemy in the game.
Fight 'Em With Items - Find and use every item in the game at least once.
Immortal - Play and win the game without allowing a character to die during combat.
Level Awesome - Kill enough enemies in the game to get the XP necessary to get all party members to Level 15.
Nine Lives - Kill an enemy using T. Kemper's basic attack.
Pacifist - Only use counterattacks, health items, or distraction items to win one battle.
Pack Rat - Find and collect all of the hidden collectibles scattered around the game.
Silent, But Deadly - Fight, and destroy the final Boss without using any healing items.
Steel Devils - Explore the world to find all the robots, and defeat them all in combat.
Stray Cat - Have T. Kemper join the player as a support character.

Episode 2: Achievements (Steam)
Arsonist - Burn down the Riverbrook Apartments.
Can't Nobody Hold You Down - Complete Episode Two.
Endgame - Find a ticket to the World's Fair.
Lab Assistant - Complete all Bonus Missions.
Millionaire - Collect one million dollars in cash.
Moving On Up - Find the key to the Riverbrook Apartments.
Pack Rat Strikes Back - Only use items to win a fight. No attacks or counter attacks allowed.
Pervert - Inspect a pair of withered binoceros testicles with genuine enthusiasm.
POWER SURRRGE! - Max out one party member's hit counter.
Reluctant Hero - At the beginning of the episode, refuse to join Gabe and Tycho 5 times.
Steel Cannibal - Fully upgrade all party members' weapons.
The Strength To Rule - Achieve level 30 with all party members.

Episode 4: Unlock Secret Characters
Coral Golem - Find him in the Coral Cave behind the waterfall.
Cthulhu - After obtaining the Dae-whale, fly to the floating temple off the southern-most point of the map. Inside defeat Cthulhu and he's yours.
Doctor Blood - Once you gain the daewhale fly to the absolute north east of the map on a floating island you will see doctor missingno. Defeat him to unlock Doctor Missingno (Doctor Blood) as a usable trainer.
Nigiri-Chu - After obtaining the Dae-whale, fly to the gladiator arena and defeat the Fish Force to obtain him.
Ninja Z - In the third tower, one of the teleporters is red instead of blue. Inside of this is a room with a secret passage obscured by robotic scenery. Follow the passage and defeat Ninja Z to gain him.

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