Pirates of the Caribbean Cheats - PC

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Check out these Pirates of the Caribbean cheats and stay cool!
Downloadable Pirates of the Caribbean Cheats
cheat description   size
Nov. 25, 2005
+20 option(s)9KB
Nov. 25, 2005
+5 option(s)11KB
Nov. 25, 2005
+1 option(s)698KB
Nov. 25, 2005
Primary Collection of Cheats
Cheat Mode
To enable Pirates of the Caribbean cheats unpack the cheats enabler listed above (copy two files from the /PROGRAM directory into the game directory accordingly, i.e. /PROGRAM/seadogs.c into <game directory>/PROGRAM and /PROGRAM/CONTROLS/init_pc.c into <game directory>/PROGRAM/CONTROLS). Then just start the game and use the following keys for the desired effect:

Y - God mode [On/Off]
U - Shotgun mode (first person mode) [On/Off]
I - Get 100000 gold points
O - Get 50 skill points
P - Set reputation with all nations to neutral
Another Set of Cheats for This Game
More money
Use Notepad to edit PROGRAM\Characters\characters_init.c file. It can be modified to start with as much abilities, points, experience and money as player's greed can allow.

Faster sailing
Using Notepad open ''Interface.c'' in the game folder ''PROGRAM\Interface'. Search for the word ''arcade'' and you will find the following line at the end of the file.

if(bArcadeMode) return 2.0;

Change the number to the desired speed factor, e.g. ''6.0'' and save the file. In game press the time-scale key (* on NumPad) and there you go, with 6 times the normal speed!

Enabling continued play after winning the main quest
Use Notepad to open INSTALLDIR\Program\Quests\quests_reaction.c file find the following code.

case "Story_KillTheFinalBoss_2": bQuestDisableMapEnter = false; bMainMenuLaunchAfterVideo = true; InterfaceStates.Buttons.Resume.enable = false; InterfaceStates.Buttons.Save.enable = false; GameOver("finish"); DelEventHandler(EVENT_END_VIDEO,"LaunchMainMenu_afterVideo"); bMainMenuLaunchAfterVideo = true; PostVideoAndQuest("ending",100, "credits"); break; case "credits": PostEvent("DoInfoShower",100,"s",""); PostVideoAndQuest("credits", 1, "end_game"); break; case "end_game": LaunchMainMenu(); Characters[GetCharacterIndex("researcher")].Dialog.CurrentNode = "First time"; Characters[GetCharacterIndex("danielle")].Dialog.CurrentNode = "First time"; break;

and replace it with the following piece of code (don't forget to make a backup first!).

case "Story_KillTheFinalBoss_2": bQuestDisableMapEnter = false; DelEventHandler(EVENT_END_VIDEO,"LaunchMainMenu_afterVideo"); PostVideoAndQuest("ending",100, "credits"); break; case "credits": PostEvent("DoInfoShower",100,"s",""); PostVideoAndQuest("credits", 1, "end_game"); break; case "end_game": Characters[GetCharacterIndex("researcher")].Dialog.CurrentNode = "First time"; Characters[GetCharacterIndex("danielle")].Dialog.CurrentNode = "First time"; break;

Raise skill cap to 40
Make backup of the following files, and then edit them using Notepad or similar text editor:

First changes are in PROGRAM/INTERFACE/character.c. Find the top line that reads:


and change it to:


Then, find the section:

int GetAlphaFromSkill(int nskill)

Find the lines that read:

case 0: return 55; break;
case 1: return 75; break;
case 2: return 95; break;
case 3: return 115; break;
case 4: return 135; break;
case 5: return 155; break;
case 6: return 175; break;
case 7: return 195; break;
case 8: return 215; break;
case 9: return 235; break;
case 10: return 255; break;
return 0;

and change them to read:

case 0: return 55; break;
case 1: return 75; break;
case 2: return 95; break;
case 3: return 115; break;
case 4: return 135; break;
case 5: return 155; break;
case 6: return 175; break;
case 7: return 195; break;
case 8: return 215; break;
case 9: return 235; break;
case 10: return 255; break;
case 11: return 255; break;
case 12: return 255; break;
case 13: return 255; break;
case 14: return 255; break;
case 15: return 255; break;
case 16: return 255; break;
case 17: return 255; break;
case 18: return 255; break;
case 19: return 255; break;
case 20: return 255; break;
case 21: return 255; break;
case 22: return 255; break;
case 23: return 255; break;
case 24: return 255; break;
case 25: return 255; break;
case 26: return 255; break;
case 27: return 255; break;
case 28: return 255; break;
case 29: return 255; break;
case 30: return 255; break;
case 31: return 255; break;
case 32: return 255; break;
case 33: return 255; break;
case 34: return 255; break;
case 35: return 255; break;
case 36: return 255; break;
case 37: return 255; break;
case 38: return 255; break;
case 39: return 255; break;
case 40: return 255; break;
return 10;

You also need to change alpha settings for the display.

int SetAlphaIntoColor(int col, int alpha)
int newCol = and(col,16777215) + shl(alpha,24);
return newCol;

Next change is in PROGRAM/Characters/characters.h. Find the line toward the bottome that reads:

#define SKILL_MAX 10

and change it to read:

#define SKILL_MAX 40

Save the changes and your new skill cap is now 40. Works on existing game, no need to start a new one.

Turn off storms
Use Notepad to open PROGRAM\WorldMap\worldmap_events.c file and find.

//Generate encounters wdmStormGen(dltTime, playerShipX, playerShipZ, playerShipAY); wdmShipEncounter(dltTime, playerShipX, playerShipZ, playerShipAY); wdmQuestShipEncounter(dltTime, playerShipX, playerShipZ, playerShipAY);

and change it to read.

//Generate encounters //wdmStormGen(dltTime, playerShipX, playerShipZ, playerShipAY); wdmShipEncounter(dltTime, playerShipX, playerShipZ, playerShipAY); wdmQuestShipEncounter(dltTime, playerShipX, playerShipZ, playerShipAY);

Adjust storm frequency and frequency of enemy ships
Use Notepad to open PROGRAM\WorldMap\worldmap_encgen.c file and change frequency of storms and enemy ships by modifying numbers. For example, changing 0.002 to 0.001 will cut the default storm generation rate to a half.

#define WDM_STORM_RATE 0.002 - Storm frequency
#define WDM_WARRING_RATE 0.03 - Enemy ships frequency

Allow your character to "Always Run"
Use Notepad to open option file and change the following lines:


to (assuming that you use W to walk forward):


Change the price and specs of the ships
This is good if you think you deserve more money for selling ships to the shipyard. Use Notepad to open file PROGRAM\Ships\Ships_init.c and change it to your desired prices and specs.

Change the price of the ships ships you sell
This is good if you think you deserve more money for selling ships to the shipyard. Use Notepad to open file PROGRAM\Interface\shipyard.c, find a line #975 and change price\= 2; to: price = (price *0.73) or whatever % you think is fair.

Change the price of the sail and hull repair costs
Use Notepad to open PROGRAM\Interface\shipyard.c file and find (line #1001 ~ 1015):

int GetSailRepairCost(int shipType,int repairPercent)
int shipPrice = GetShipPriceByType(shipType);
if(shipPrice<=0) return 0;
int scost = (shipPrice*sailCostPercent+99)/100;
return (scost*repairPercent+99)/100;

int GetHullRepairCost(int shipType,int repairPercent)
{ int shipPrice = GetShipPriceByType(shipType);
if(shipPrice<=0) return 0;
int scost = (shipPrice*hullCostPercent+99)/100;
return (scost*repairPercent+99)/100;

and change it to read:

int GetSailRepairCost(int shipType,int repairPercent)
int shipPrice = GetShipPriceByType(shipType);
if(shipPrice<=0) return 0;
int scost = (shipPrice*sailCostPercent+99)/250;
return (scost*repairPercent+99)/100;

int GetHullRepairCost(int shipType,int repairPercent)
int shipPrice = GetShipPriceByType(shipType);
if(shipPrice<=0) return 0;
int scost = (shipPrice*hullCostPercent+99)/250;
return (scost*repairPercent+99)/100;

// or to whatever you think is more reasonable for game play.

Change the import/export/normal multipliers for trading goods from island to island
Use Notepad to open file PROGRAM\Store\StoreUtilite.c and change it to your desire where TRADE_TYPE_ i.e.

float tradeModify=1.0;
return basePrice;

Disabling the intro and opening quest videos
If you are tired of the intro and opening quest videos, just rename the video files (located in the the "videos" folder) and change their extension (add ".old" or something...) If you ever want to re-activate them, just go in and get rid of the ".old" extension.

Level up skill and abilities points
To change the amount out skill points and/or ability points awarded for a levelup modify the file "\PROGRAM\Characters\CharaterUtilite.c". Find lines # 877 and #879 and increase number values.

_refCharacter.Skill.FreeSkill = sti(_refCharacter.Skill.FreeSkill) + 2; - for skill points
{ _refCharacter.perks.FreePoints = sti(_refCharacter.perks.FreePoints) + 1; - for abilities points

Change starting character abilities/skills/gold
To start your character off a little more beefed up edit the file "PROGRAM\Characters\characters_init.c". Goto lines 98 - 100 and change the following.

ch.skill.freeskill = 2;
ch.perks.freepoints = 1;
ch.money = "1000";


ch.skill.freeskill = 25;
ch.perks.freepoints = 3;
ch.money = "99000";

Load confirm - set default to yes
To change the default load saved game confirm action from NO to YES modify line #263 in the file "PROGRAM\Interface\save_load.c".


Change this line to.


You can also do the same for the default confirm action of delete saved game at line 297.

Increase the maximum number of saved games
To increase the maximum number of saved games, modify the second line in the file "PROGRAM\Interface\save_load.c".


change this to #define MAX_SAVE_GAME_LIMIT 100 or whatever amount of saved games you desire.
Easy ship takeovers
Since you are at war with France, you are going to attack some French ships. But not any french ships, only those that are battling pirate ships, because any other time when you encounter french ships they attack you. But this time they will be your allies, against the pirates, so find a battle where you are totally out numbered by the pirates and quickly defeat them. Now after the battle the french ships will not attack you, they will sail on their way. Get in close to those french ships and fire your kibles at their sails, do it to each ship, but do not fire anything else or the ships will instantly attack you. Now with their sails destroyed they cannot manuver very well, when you begin your attack, you can pick them off or flee if you must. Next select the ship you want to take over, get in real close and fire the grape shot at point blank rage. You will kill off some of the crew, and will instantly board their ship for a take over. Now when you have your new ship the other french ships "if there are anymore" will attack you. But since you took out the sails, the battle will be easy, so sink them or run away to repair. You can do this with other nations, but once you do this you will be at war with them, which just adds to your problems early in the game.

Your officers pay you
Bring your commerce level up to six or seven. When you find an officer you want open conversation by saying his price is too expensive and close dialog box. Repeat this enough times and the officer candidate will eventually go into negative numbers and will pay you a monthly fee!

How to avoid enemies
From the start, pirates are big trouble for you. You can avoid them by switching from world map to battle map before they come near you, and back again to world map. Then ..taaadaaaa... they disapear! Repeat it every time you encounter pirates or your foes.

More money
If you are in need of money start a new game go to the loan shark (he doesn't bite). Ask for a lot of money then put it into the big box in the room. You can now ask for more money cause he will take it as "payed"! If you want more money, don't take your money up. Instead, ask for more, lay it into the box and do it until you have enough money.

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