Return to Castle Wolfenstein Cheats - PC

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Check out these Return to Castle Wolfenstein cheats and stay cool!
Downloadable Return to Castle Wolfenstein Cheats
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Nov. 25, 2005
Nov. 25, 2005
Nov. 25, 2005
Nov. 25, 2005
Nov. 25, 2005
Nov. 25, 2005

NOTE: There are 3 more download(s) available for our registered users. Log in or register now to access them!
Primary Collection of Cheats
Cheat Mode
Start the game with the command-line parameter '+set sv_cheats 1' (without the quotes). Then during gameplay, press [~] to bring down the console and type any of the following codes:

/god - God Mode
/notarget - Enemies Don't Attack
/noclip - No Clipping Mode
/give all - All Weapons and Ammo
/give armor - Give armor
/give health - Give health
/give stamina - Give stamina
/give ammo - Give ammo
/give # - Give Item # (See List below)
/mapname - Get the Current Map Name (See List below)
/spdevmap mapname - Jump to mapname
/dir maps - List all maps
/nofatigue - Unlimited Stamina
/cg_uselessnostalgia 1 - Original Wolfenstein Interface
/cg_FOV # - Set Field-of-View to #
/kill - Suicide
/reconnect - Reconnect to a server

/cmdhist - Show all commands
/serverinfo - Show server settings
/toggle cg_drawtimer - Show timer
/toggle r_fullscreen - Window mode (on/off)
/toggle cg_draw2d - Show HUD (on/off)
/toggle cg_gibs - Gibs (on/off)
/toggle cg_drawteamoverlay - Team Overlay (on/off)
/toggle cg_drawcompass - Show Compass (on/off)
/g_speed xxx - Change walk spped (xxx=320 for normal speed, 999 for max speed)

Map Names: escape1, escape2, tram, village1, village2, crypt1, crypt2, church, boss1, forest, rocket, dam, chateau, dark, dig, castle, end, beach, village, boss2, rocket, baseout, assault,mfactory, trainyard, norway, xlabs, wine, wine2, wine3

Items List: panzerfaust, venom, armor, dynamite, thompson, mp42, mauser rifle, flamethrower, sten, fg42, paratroop rifle, grenade, colt 45, large health, medium health, 9mm, 12.7mm, 7.92mm, .30cal, .45cal, cell

NOTE: Here's how to add that command line parameter. Right-click on your Wolfenstein single player desktop shortcut and select "properties". In the "Target" field, add the following to the very end (outside the quotes): -/+set sv_cheats 1

For example.

"C:\Program Files\Return to Castle Wolfenstein\WolfSP.exe" -/+set sv_cheats 1

Click OK and launch the game using that shortcut. Adding just +set sv_cheats 1 or -set sv_cheats 1 to the shortcut does not work for everyone.

NOTE #2: Some people have experienced problems activating the cheats as listed above. Here is an alternate to try if the solution above doesn't work. Use notepad to create "user.cfg" file in the "Main" subdirectory of the game. Type just one line.

set sv_cheats 1

NOTE #3: Also, some people have not been able to use the cheats unless they first load a saved game. New players can start, save, then exit to windows, start the game again and load it... Cheats don't work on the hardest difficulty level, it should work on easy but I've only used normal the hardest difficulty level so far.
Another Set of Cheats for This Game
Server commands/cheats
These are the commands that can be activated on the server machine. While playing a game, press [~] to display the console window and enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function:

/map restart - Reset map
/kick <player name> - Kick player from the server
/g_friendlyFire <0 or 1> - Toggle friendly fire
/g_forcebalance - Force even teams
/sv_maxclients # - Set maximum players that can connect to #
/timelimit # - Set time limit to #
/g_warmup # - Set warm-up time to # seconds
/g_gravity # - Set gravity to # (lower is less gravity)
/g_speed # - Set movement to # (lower is slower)

Change color of your name
While playing a game, press [~] to display the console window and then enter "/name [value]" to change the player's name and color. To change colors, include one of the following entries.

^1 - Red
^2 - Green
^3 - Yellow
^4 - Blue
^5 - Light Blue
^6 - Pink
^7 - White
^8 - Black
^9 - Red

For example, to change your name to "AmericaTheBeautiful" in red, white, and blue, enter "name ^1America^7The^4Beautiful".
A way to kill the Boss Super Soldier just before Mission 6
When you first enter the large area, hop down and run immediately to the Control Room. At this point, I noticed that when you hop on and off the Control Panel the Super Soldier becomes confused and freezes in place, looking around. (You may have to hop on and off a few times). This allows you to take pot shots at him from the farthest end of the Control Room (the farthest distance from Super Soldier) - he's just standing in one place looking around. You might even be able to time this while he's looking in the other direction. To lessen any damage, you only have time for a quick shot or two before you duck back. Shooting at him "unfreezes" him - and he begins to move toward you. Simply move again into the Control Room and hop on the Control Panel. He freezes again, just standing there and looking around. Repeat until he's dead.. This also lets you easily snipe the Nazis as they appear on thecatwalk above. Super Soldier is frozen and won't attack you (just don't let him see you) so you can shoot them with ease.

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