Sim Coaster Cheats - PC

 All cheats for this game by platform: PC
Check out these Sim Coaster cheats and stay cool!
Downloadable Sim Coaster Cheats
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Primary Collection of Cheats
Cheat Mode
Go into the folder where Sim Coaster is installed. Go to the \data\levels sub-folder and find the standard.sam file You should back up the file before making changes to it. Open standard.sam with a text editor. Word Pad is good enough. Find the following line, in the "Money Things" part of the file:

BankAccountInfo.InitialCash 50000

Change the 50000 to your choosen value ( like 500 000 for example) . ...and Save the file. When you start your next game, you should start with the amount of money you have choosen.
Polar Zone
Play the Land of Invention, and beat the first objective. After a little more gameplay, the president will grant you the ability to open the Polar Zone theme park.

Arabian Knights
Play the Polar Zone, and beat a few of the objectives. The president will inform you that Arabian Knights will soon be open for you, but you must complete a few more objectives. You must have your staff trained for some of the objectives.

Golden Tickets
Certain people will offer you challenges and if you win , you will earn two golden tickets! Earn Training Room: Beat the first objective in Land of Invention and you will be able to build a traning center where you can train your staff.

Earn Research Lab
Beat the first objective in Land of Invention as well. You will be able to hire scientists and research new things for your park.

Earn Training Room
Beat the first objective in Land of Invention and you will be able to build a traning center where you can train your staff.

Challenge: Hot Dog Overstock Problem
To complete this, build about 10 extra hot dog stands and place them all over park. Lower prices of hot dogs. And then place game speed on 400. Accept Challenge. You will complete the challenge in about a minute. After you receive the golden ticket, delete all the extra stands you built, go back to 100% speed and change price back!

Challenge: Ride Popularity
To complete this one, (before accepting challenge) place Info Kiosks throughout park (at least 5) and set to promote Wheel Drop. Do not charge ANY $$ to ride and make sure you have upgraded to all available options and at full repaired status. Accept Challenge, set game speed to 400%. After completed (cpl mins), set everything back and delete extra Kiosks.

Challenge: Staff Happiness Drive
To complete, place plenty of staff rooms(5 minimum) throughout park. Go to Financial controls and set (CHANGE amount, not % or set amount)) to $200 for every employee. Also make sure no one is complaining about too much work in message center! Accept Challenge and THEN set game speed to 400%. After completed, DON'T forget to change amount in Financial Controls to -$200 for all employees otherwise, you'll go broke quick and delete extra staff rooms!

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