Primary Collection of Cheats
Cheat Mode
Change the properties of your game shortcut and add +set sv_cheats 1 behind your EXE. For example:
C:\GAMES\SOF2\SoF2.EXE +set sv_cheats 1
Then, edit your base\myconfig.cfg file and search for "toggleconsole" option. Here you can define any key you want to toggle the console ingame. For example:
bind X "toggleconsole"
NOTE: You can also try editing myconfig.cfg in SoF 2 dir/base/ and add: seta sv_cheats "1".
Ok, now start the game, bring down the console and type one of the following cheats:
god - Invincibility
give <itemname> - Give item
give armor - Armor
give ammo - Full ammunition for current weapons
give health - Health
give stamina - Stamina
give all - Give all items
noclip - No clipping mode
notarget - Invisible to enemies
nofatigue - Never get tired
pinkspider - Infinite power
npcfreeze - Freeze enemies in their tracks
superfly - If you are in noclip mode and you type superfly 2 and hit enter, you'll move twice as fast, etc.
cmdlist - List all commands
dir maps - List maps
map <map_name> - Load map
devmap <map_name> - Load map
spdevmap <map_name> - Load map
spawn <NPC> - Spawn NPC
raven 1 - Level select icon at main menu
g_gravity <0-800> - Change gravity; 800 is default, set to 0 to fly
g_speed <number><number> - Change movement rate; 320 is defeault, lower is slower
timescale <number> - Speed up or slow down time (number is a variable between .01 and 10.1; 1 for normal speed)
name <your name> - Change your name
toggle r_fullscreen - Toggle windowed and full screen; will restart game
serverinfo - Show current server settings
reconnect - Reconnect to last server
kill - Suicide
quit - Exit game
Map names (in alphabetical order):
air1, air2, air3, air4, arm1, arm2, cem1, col1, col10, col2, col3, col4, col6, col7, col8, col9, finca1, finca2, finca3, finca4, hk1, hk2, hk3, hk4, hk5, hk6, hk7, hos1, hos2, hos3, hos4, kam1, kam10, kam11, kam12, kam2, kam3, kam4, kam5, kam6, kam7, kam8, kam9, liner1, liner2, liner3, pra1, pra2, pra3, pra4, pra5, pra6, shop1, shop2, shop3, shop4, shop5, shop6, shop7, shop8, tut1, /arioche/small
NPC list (for spawn command):
NPC_Aaron_Wilson, NPC_Aaron_Wilson_vial, NPC_Alexi_Nachrade, NPC_Alexi_Nachrade_Noweapon, NPC_Alexi_Nachrade_RMG, NPC_Base_Female, NPC_Base_Human, NPC_Butch, NPC_Butch_col1, NPC_ChemSuit1, NPC_ChemSuit2, NPC_ChemSuit_Mullins, NPC_ChemSuit_Russian, NPC_Civilian, NPC_Civilian_Clipboard, NPC_Civilian_NoItems, NPC_Civilian_Raincoat, NPC_Colombian_EmplacedGunner, NPC_Colombian_M60Rebel, NPC_Colombian_Rebel, NPC_Colombian_Rocketman, NPC_Colombian_Sniper, NPC_Czech_Commando, NPC_Czech_Lookout, NPC_Czech_M60Soldier_PRA5, NPC_Czech_Rain_Commando, NPC_Czech_Rain_Demolitionist, NPC_Czech_Rain_Soldier, NPC_Czech_Rain_Soldier_Elite, NPC_Czech_Rain_Soldier_Grenades, NPC_Czech_Sergeant, NPC_Czech_Soldier, NPC_Czech_Soldier_Demolitionist, NPC_Czech_Soldier_Elite, NPC_Czech_Soldier_PRA5, NPC_Czech_Thug, NPC_Deviant1, NPC_Deviant1_RMG, NPC_Director_Michaels, NPC_Dmitri_Sestrogor, NPC_Doctor, NPC_Doctor2, NPC_Dog, NPC_Dog_Uber_Finca, NPC_Domingo_Sanchez, NPC_Domovni_Nemec, NPC_Domovni_Nemec_Pen, NPC_Domovni_Nemec_no_apron, NPC_Fake_Ivanovich, NPC_Female_Civilian, NPC_Female_Civilian_Pants, NPC_Finca_Assassin, NPC_Finca_Commando, NPC_Finca_Demolitionist, NPC_Finca_Demolitionist2, NPC_Finca_Elite_Guard, NPC_Finca_EmplacedGunner, NPC_Finca_Guard, NPC_Finca_Guard_Noweapon, NPC_Finca_Maid, NPC_Finca_Sentry, NPC_Finca_Sniper, NPC_Finca_Soldier, NPC_Fireman, NPC_HongKong_Assassin_NoGrenades, NPC_HongKong_Civilian, NPC_HongKong_Civilian_Noitems, NPC_HongKong_Female_Civilian, NPC_HongKong_Prison_Holster, NPC_HongKong_Prison_Soldier, NPC_HongKong_Street_EmplacedGunner, NPC_HongKong_Street_Thug, NPC_HongKong_Street_Thug_Sniper, NPC_HongKong_Thug_Female, NPC_HongKong_Thug_Leader, NPC_HongKong_Thug_Leader_RMG_Team2, NPC_HongKong_ToughGuy_RMG, NPC_Honor_Guard, NPC_Honor_Guard_Comm, NPC_Hospital_Guard, NPC_Huang_Zhenmeng, NPC_Interrogator, NPC_Jack_Anderson, NPC_Junk_Captain, NPC_Manuel_Vergara, NPC_Manuel_Vergara_Armed, NPC_Manuel_Vergara_RMG, NPC_Marine1_col1, NPC_Marine2_col1, NPC_Marine3_col1, NPC_Marine_Civilian, NPC_Marine_Pilot, NPC_Marine_RMG, NPC_Marine_Scout, NPC_Marine_Sergeant, NPC_Marine_Soldier, NPC_Marine_Soldier_Blakely, NPC_Marine_Soldier_Elite, NPC_Men_in_Black1, NPC_Men_in_Black2, NPC_Mullins_Jungle, NPC_Mullins_Non_Combat, NPC_Mullins_Snow, NPC_Mullins_Snow_Noweapon, NPC_Mullins_Snow_Paratrooper, NPC_Mullins_Suit, NPC_Mullins_Urban, NPC_Mullins_Urban_FINCA4, NPC_Mullins_Urban_SOCOM, NPC_Mullins_Young, NPC_Mullins_Young_Briefcase, NPC_Mullins_Young_M1911, NPC_Nurse, NPC_Order_Soldier, NPC_Osprey, NPC_PFC_David_Williams, NPC_POW1, NPC_POW_Civilian, NPC_Paramedic, NPC_Patient, NPC_Piotr_Ivanovich, NPC_Piotr_Ivanovich_PRA6, NPC_Priest, NPC_Pro_In_Snow_Soldier, NPC_Prometheus_Demolitionist, NPC_Prometheus_DogHandler, NPC_Prometheus_EmplacedGunner, NPC_Prometheus_Heavy_Weapons, NPC_Prometheus_Osprey, NPC_Prometheus_Sailor, NPC_Prometheus_Sailor_Civilian, NPC_Prometheus_Sailor_Commando, NPC_Prometheus_Sailor_Elite, NPC_Prometheus_Sailor_Sergeant, NPC_Prometheus_Sailor_Thug, NPC_Prometheus_Scout, NPC_Prometheus_Sergeant, NPC_Prometheus_Sergeant_RMG_Team2, NPC_Prometheus_Shielded, NPC_Prometheus_Sniper, NPC_Prometheus_Snow_Heavy_Weapons, NPC_Prometheus_Snow_M60Soldier, NPC_Prometheus_Snow_Scout, NPC_Prometheus_Snow_Sergeant, NPC_Prometheus_Snow_Sergeant_RMG_Team2, NPC_Prometheus_Snow_Sniper, NPC_Prometheus_Snow_Soldier, NPC_Prometheus_Snow_Soldier_NG, NPC_Prometheus_Soldier, NPC_Prometheus_Soldier_Commando, NPC_Prometheus_Soldier_Elite, NPC_Prometheus_Soldier_Female, NPC_Prometheus_Soldier_Female2, NPC_Prometheus_Tech, NPC_Prometheus_Thug, NPC_RMG_Snow_Marine, NPC_Sam, NPC_Sam_Injured, NPC_Sam_Patient, NPC_Sam_Suit, NPC_Scientist, NPC_Scientist_bar_stool, NPC_Sebastian_Jenzer, NPC_Shop_Contact, NPC_Shop_Contact_NoBottle, NPC_Shop_Guards, NPC_Shop_Guards_CEM1, NPC_Shop_Guards_Noweapon, NPC_Stefan_Fritsch, NPC_Swiss_Police, NPC_TORTURE_VICTIM1, NPC_TORTURE_VICTIM2, NPC_Taxi_Driver, NPC_Taylor_Chem, NPC_Taylor_Lab, NPC_Taylor_Urban, NPC_Test, NPC_Test_CSM, NPC_Train_Worker, NPC_Virus_Male, NPC_Virus_Villager_Female
ADDITIONAL NOTE: In some cases command "sv_cheats 1" doesn't work - server shows info, that it will not allow cheats. There is a way to overcome that. All you have to do is using setrandow function. Simply open console ("~" anywhere in the game) and then type in: "setrandom sv_cheats 1" . The catch is, that it IS random function, so each time you'll enter a new part of the game (you see Load Window) there's 50% chance, that sv_cheats variable's value will turn back to 0.
To avoid putting random function to console do something like this: choose 3 nearby keys (it would be best if they are in a row) and then bind them to proper commands. How to do that? Here's an example: I chose [F] for setrandom function, [G] for god mode and [H] for give all command. Open console ("~") and enter:
bind "f" "setrandom sv_cheats 1"
bind "g" "god"
bind "h" "give all"
All these bindings will stay forever (unless you unbind all keys, or choose 'set keys as default' in setup) so you don't have to to write it all over again. How to know if sv_cheats is set to 1. Simple: press [G] key for god mode. If a message "GOD mode ON" appears, then sv_cheats is 1. If something else, then press [F] and then [G]. That's it. Note that setrandom command MUST be written together! When using bind command, keys and commands MUST be in two different ""!