Star Trek Voyager: Elite Force Cheats - PC

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Check out these Star Trek Voyager: Elite Force cheats and stay cool!
Downloadable Star Trek Voyager: Elite Force Cheats
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Nov. 25, 2005
Nov. 25, 2005
Nov. 25, 2005
Primary Collection of Cheats
Cheat Mode
To bring up the console, type [~] while playing. Type "sv_cheats 1" in the console to activate cheat mode. Then type any of the codes below (they do not work in multiplayer mode):

god - God Mode
undying - Armor and Health maxed out to 999
noclip - No clipping
notarget - Invisible to enemies
map_brig - Hidden level
cg_thirdperson 0 - First-person view
cg_thirdperson 1 - Third-person view
cg_thirdpersonrange # - Set third person view range to 1-100
devmap # - Enable cheats for level on server (# is a map name)
map # - Load Map # (see the list below)
give # - Give Item # (see the list below)
give weapons - All weapons
give health # - Sets health (#=highest in easy is 200, in others is 100)
give armor # - Sets armor (#=highest in easy is 200, in others is 100)
give weaponnum # - Gives weapon (# is weapon number)
+button3 - Enable constant multi-player taunts
-button3 - Disable constant multi-player taunts
^# - Set name color (# is a color number, see the list below)
name # - Change name
model # - Change model
setviewpos X Y Z (R) - Go to the set position (R = rotation)
g_gravity - views current gravity level
g_gravity # - Set the gravity level (default is 800)
ui_closingcredits - Views closing credits
dir video - Views a list of available cinematics
cinematic <movie> - Plays a movie
bind X Y - Sets a hotkey (X) for function (Y) (so setting F12 for screenshot would be 'bind F12 screenshot')
sv_cheats 0 - Deactivates cheat mode
vid_restart - Restarts video engine (takes a short while, may see desktop briefly)
r_gamma # - Sets brightness (#=number above 1.0 brightens display, number below 1.0 darkens display), 1.0 is default
give tricorder - Displays name, weight & height of objects and gives name, rank, species, health & weapons if scanning a life form
kill - Suicide
quit - Quits the game

Items List: Phaser, Compression Rifle, Scavenger Rifle, Tetryon Disruptor, IMOD (infinity modulator), Tricorder, Health, Ammo, Weapons, All, Stasis Weapon, Grenade Launcher, Photon Burst, Dreadnought Weapon, Armor, Paladin Weapon, Desperado Weapon, Klingon Blade, Bot welder, Bot laser, Bot rocket, Forge proj, Forge psych, Parasite, Borg weapon, borg taser - dev only, Paladin weapon, All. NOTE: Some weapons are not programmed as sprites and might crash the game!)

Map Names: borg1, borg2, holodeck, voy1, voy2, voy3, voy4, voy5, stasis1, stasis2, stasis3, voy6, voy7, voy8, scav1, scav2, scav3, scav3b, scav4, scav5, scavboss, voy9, borg3, borg4, borg5, borg6, voy14, voy14, voy15, dn1, dn2, dn3, dn4, dn5, train, dn6, dn8, voy16, voy17, forge1, forge2, forge3, forge4, forge5, forgeboss, voy20

Color numbers: Red - 1, Green - 2, Yellow - 3, Blue - 4, Cyan - 5, Pink - 6, White - 7, Black - 8.
Action Figure & Other Items Locations
Item - Location - How to get it

Security Acess Codes - Computer Core on Deck 9 (Use Jefferies Tubes to get there, then use control panel to get codes.)
Austin Chang Action Figure - Deck 9 In computer core room, behind panel next to Voyager map.
Borg Foster Action Figure - Deck 8 In Astrometrics.
Chell Action Figure - Deck 8 On crate in the back of the cargo bay.
Alexander Munro Action Figure - Deck 2 On a table in the mess hall.
Alexandria Munro Action Figure - Deck 3 On a couch in Chakotay's Office.
Les Foster Action Figure - Deck 4 In the brig (Use the control panel to lower the forcefield).
Rick Biessman Action Figure - Deck 5 In the hallway by sickbay.
Juliet Jurot Action Figure - Deck 10 On a crate in the small cargobay that is by the docking clamps control panel.
Telsia Murphy Action Figure - Deck 11 Behind the warp core on the second level.
Captian Proton Gun - Deck 3 On Tom Paris' bed in his quarters.
Photon Burst - Deck 8 On a catwalk in the cargobay (you must beam in from Deck 4 to get to it).
Stasis Fireflies - Deck 4 In Chell's quarters.
Harvester Legs - Deck 2 In the corner closet in Neelix's kitchen in the mess hall.
Seven of Nine Collector's Plate - Deck 2 On a wall in Neelix's quarters.
Elite Force Poster - Deck 4 Inside Tom Odell's locker in locker room.
Grenade Launcher - Deck 4 Inside Rick Biessman's locker.
Arc Welder - Deck 4 Inside the cargobay on top of a shelf (You'll need to first beam the crates in from the transporter room. The crates let you jump up to get the weapon).
Borg Slayer Game - Deck 15 (Beam there from Deck 4 transporter room. Choose Ventral Maintenance from the list of destinations).
Raven Software Plaque - Deck 15 (On the wall in the room with Crewman Dischler).
Tetryon Pulse Disruptor - Deck 10 (Inside jefferies tube above the small cargobay).
Rick Biessman in morgue - Deck 5 (Use the control panel by the door in the medical lab in sickbay).

Stuff that you can read or do
Everyone's personal logs in their quarters
Astrometrics library
Cargobay log on Deck 8
Library on bridge
Padds in briefing room on bridge
Neelix's recipes on the counter in the mess hall
Disease library in the medical lab
The Doctor's log and padd on his desk in sickbay
Seven's personal log in cargobay with her alcove
Weapon information next to holodeck
Shooting range results next to holodeck
Shut down the warp core the same way you did in single player
Activate Red Alert on the bridge
Activate Self Destruct on the bridge

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