Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic Cheats - PC

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Check out these Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic cheats and stay cool!
Downloadable Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic Cheats
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Dec. 19, 2009
Apr. 15, 2006
Author: 153KB
Nov. 25, 2005
Nov. 25, 2005
Nov. 25, 2005

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Primary Collection of Cheats
Cheat Mode
Find the file called "swkotor.ini" in your Knights of the Old Republic game folder. Edit the file with Notepad and under the line [Game Options] add the following line:


While playing, press [~] to bring down the console then type any of the following cheat codes where # is a number:

heal - Heal selected party member
setcomputeruse # - Set "Computer Use" skill
setdemolitions # - Set "Demolitions" skill
setstealth # - Set "Stealth" skill
setawareness # - Set "Awareness" skill
setpersuade # - Set "Persuade" skill
setrepair # - Set "Repair" skill
setsecurity # - Set "Security" skill
setstrength # - Set "Strength" skill
setdexterity # - Set "Dexterity" skill
setconstitution # - Set "Constitution" skill
setintelligence # - Set "Intelligence" skill
setwisdom # - Set "Wisdom" skill
setcharisma # - Set "Charisma" skill
addlevel # - Add indicated number of levels (negative values lowers it)
addlightside # - Add the indicated number of Light Side points (negative values lowers it)
adddarkside # - Add the indicated number of Dark Side points (negative values lowers it)
addexp # - Add indicated number of experience points (negative values lowers it)
turbo - Press [W] or [S] to move faster
invulnerability - Invulnerability
bright - Brightens screen
revealmap - Reveal map
givecredits # - Get indicated number of credits
giveitem <item> - Spawn indicated item (you can find the full item list in the Codes FAQ listed above)
givemed - Spawn medpacks
giverepair - Spawn repair packs
givecomspikes - Spawn computer spikes
givesitharmor - Spawn Sith armor
restartminigame - ?
warp - ?
infiniteuses - ?
whereami - ?
dancedancemalak - Turn Malak into a dancing Twi'lek in the last fight
[Tab] - List all commands
Bastila's underwear
Equip Dark Jedi robes on Bastila. Remove them to see new underwear.

Defeating Dark Jedi
When you level up, you can choose a new Force ability. Choose Force Resistance, and the next one after that. When you know you are about to fight a Dark Jedi, cast Force Resistance and their Force powers cannot hurt you.

Force Breach and Force Resistance and good for dealing with other powerful Jedi. Make these the first thing you use in those battles. Focus on these as you power up your character.

Defeating droids with energy shields:
To easily defeat droids with an energy shield, use the Disable Droid or Destroy Droid Force power to do a considerable amount of damage. However, if the droids do not have an energy shield and you do not wish to engage in close quarter combat, simply equip one or two lightsabers to deflect the gunfire. If you cannot equip a lightsaber, use an Ion Blaster or Ion Rifle.

Defeating Terentaks
When going up against a Terentak or two, make sure someone in your party can yse stealth, and at least one other person has the Insanity Jedi power. Enable the stealth and begin lay mines in a clump or a path. Once done, get out of the Terentak's range of vision and the blast radius of the mines, and uncloak. Then, throw some type of grenade at it and allow it to approach. If done correctly, it should cross all the mines and knock its health down quite a bit. Note: The Terentak can not be concussioned; do not waste any mines that cause concussion such as flash mines. Once all the mines have exploded, use Insanity on it. It will be unable to attack. You can then use Force Shock, Lightning, Storm, Drain Life, Death Field, Wound, Choke, Kill, Slow, and Affliction to whittle its health down. You can also attack it, and Power Strike works very effectively. Once the Insanity wears off, use Insanity again to render it harmless again. Repeat this until all the Terentaks are gone. Note: This is a great way to take down the two Terentaks during the Final Test on Korriban.

Dantooine: Ancient Ruins: Defeating droids
When facing the droids, have a party consisting of your character, Bastila, and Carth. Everyone should have some type of sword and use them to attack the droids.

Dantooine: Courtyard: Cassus Fett's Armor
When you get to the third Jedi trial, you will see a merchant near where the Kath Hounds first ambush you. Talk to the merchant that sells armor and weapons. Ask to see his stock and you will see Cassus Fett's Armor. It costs 15,000 credits. Note: You will no longer be able to get the armor after you are taken prisoner by Saul.

Dantooine Ebon Hawk: Easy credits:
When you start to do the last Jedi trial on Dantoiine, go in the Ebon Hawk. Ask the droid, if available, to make Computer Spikes. Keep asking for more of them. Next, go to Big Z and let him make Frag Grenades. Then, find the merchant near the Jedi Academy. He sells expensive and good armor. Sell those Frag Grenades and Computer Spikes, then repeat for as many credits as desired. Note: You can only have about ten or eleven of anything the crew makes at a time. You also have to ask for them one at a time.

Dantooine Grove: Keep Juhani while playing a Dark character
If you are playing a Dark side character, when you defeat Juhani do not fight her again. Instead, say that she can come back to the Light side. She will join your team and be helpful in later missions. You can make up for the gained Light points gained by getting Dark points in the Sandral-Matale Feud quest.

Dantooine Matale Estate: Increase Dark alignment
When doing the Sandral-Matale Feud quest, go to the Sandral home first when you have permission to investigate the disappearance of Shen Matale from the Jedi Council. Take the necessary steps to enter the home. After questioning Nurik Sandral, he will depart to the back of his home. Get to the point where you can deny Rahasia. You can go to the Matale's home and speak with him. If you select all the bottom answers, his last question will be for you to ask 2,000 credits for finding Shen. By selecting all the bottom answers, you have earned yourself a Dark side point. Talk to the droid again and Ahlan Matale returns outside with the same line of questioning. Repeat this to accumulate as many Dark points as desired.

Dantooine Sandral Estate: Increase Light alignment
When doing the Sandral-Matale Feud quest, go to the Sandral home first when you have permission to investigate the disappearance of Shen Matale from the Jedi Council. Take the necessary steps to enter the home. After questioning Nurik Sandral, he will depart to the back of his home. That is when Rahasia Sandral shows up and asks you for help. If you deny helping her free Shen, she will be upset. After denying her, go back to her and select "Apologize". After you apologize to her, she will continue with what help she needs, but deny her quickly instead of hearing her story. The apology earns you a Light side point. You can repeat this as many times as desired in order to accumulate high Light status.

Dantooine: Protection from Kath Hounds:
Whenever facing any type of Kath Hound, equip some kind of self shield to your arm and activate .It this will cause every blow from the Kath Hound to do less damage.

Dantooine: Stowaway
As soon as you leave Dantooine, there will be a girl stowaway in your cargo hold. Big Z will mention something about missing food. If you walk around your ship, you will hear footsteps. Go to the cargo hold when instructed to find the girl. Return to Dantooine and talk to the Tw'liek near the tree. He will mention a missing girl. Convince the girl to out to meet the man. If she agrees, you will receive a Light side point.

Ebon Hawk: Increase Dark alignment:
After finding the stowaway on the Ebon Hawk after landing on the first planet you land on after Dantooine, select the "Get out of here, whoever you are! Right now!" option. Talk to her before she leaves to catch her again. Choose that dialog option again. Repeat this to increase your Dark alignment.

Kashyyk: Increase Light or Dark alignment:
When speaking to the hologram on Kashyyk, you have the opportunity to earn both Dark and Light side points. You should answer the questions like a certain person, but there is an opportunity to comment about how you really feel and create a shift.

After you get the mysterious box (by selling the Spice in the Ebon Hawk's cargo hold), look for it in the cargo hold and activate it. You can still sell it to the Hutt afterwards. Save the game before opening the box. Now, find out what is inside for yourself.

Korriban: Cassus Fett's Blaster Pistol:
Go to Korriban and talk to the merchant behind the desk near where you meet Lashowe. Ask to see his stock to find Fett's Heavy Blaster pistol. This pistol will be available at any time.

Korriban: Entering the Sith Academy:
Talk to the Sith Soldier guarding the Sith Academy on Korriban to learn that Yuthra Ban is at the bar and is accepting students for the academy, At this point there are two ways of trying to enter the base. The first is trying to persuade Yun to allow you in. However, this requires a high persuasion skill. The second is a lot quicker and once done, persuading Yun to allow you inside the academy should be easy. Instead of entering the bar to talk to Yun, go back to your ship, An intermission sequence and dialogue showing some Sith graduates trying to start a fight with you will start. No matter what happens, you will have to fight them. Defeta them and look at their remains. One of them will have a Sith Academy Medallion. Pick it up and talk to Yun.

Korriban Sith Academy: Easy experience:
Enter the Sith Academy. Once there, you will find a room with slaves. There is a computer terminal inside the room. Log into the computer and chose "Hack into Sith Data files". When you do this, you will notice that the option to hack does not disappear. With the right party member, the cost for the Data Hack will only be 1 Spike. Each Data Hack will result in 360 experience points for your group. Note: This was done after all the Sith Academy quests were completed. Also, you can get unlimited Computer Spikes on Tatooine.

When inside the Sith Academy, talk to Yuthura Ban and ask her "I want to know about the code". Then, choose "I think I got it". Do this repeatedly. Each time you ask her for code, you will get 125 experience points.

Enter the Sith Academy. Find the room with the slaves. There is a computer terminal inside the room. Login to the computer and choose to hack into the Sith data files with T3-M4. Each data hack should cost 0 spikes if T3-M4's Computer skill is over 30. Note: Each time you access the computer, it will cost 1 spike

Korriban Sith Academy: Earning prestige for the Sith Master
One way to earn prestige for the Sith Master is to destroy a malfunctioning assault droid. Before you can this, you must first make your way through a large amount of battle droids. Once inside you can talk to the assault droid. He tells you information and how to help him. In helping him, you will get Light side points. The eight systems you have shut down are as follows: Combat, Motor, Sensory, Memory, Cognitive, Emotional, Creative, and Core.

In order to earn enough prestige to take the Sith test, you must persuade Lashowe that you will help her. Find the Jedi Holocron. When you get it, do not let her leave. After she fights you, get the Holocron and take it to Master Uthar to try to become a Sith.

Korriban: Naga Sadow Tomb: Special cold and fire grenades
Defeat the two Tarentateks in the temple room, then pull the lever in the right top corner to unlock two doors, the one you came in through and the one next to the lever. This second door leads to pillars with the fire and cold grenades which will get you across the acid pool. Note: Use the special cold grenade when corssing it.

Korriban: Naga Sadow Tomb: Defeating the Tarentateks
When finding the Star Map in Naga Sadow, you will encounter two Tarentateks. To kill them, back yourself into a corner. This allows you to fight one without the other one being able to attack.

If you have Jedi Speed or any stimulant packages, and a Stealth Shield, you can do this easily. Activate your Stealth Shield and walk out in the open to where the left side Tarentatek comes in range and throw a grenade. When the two run at you, run by them and hit the switch in the right, then run to the door and let yourself in. The monsters cannot follow you in here. You can kill them with distance Force attacks (such as Force Kill) without them approaching you.

Use Force Speed to get the Tarentateks out of the way so you can use the lever. Then, go into the room that has the special grenades. Either equip a blaster or just run up to the doorway to kill the Tarentateks. They should not attack you.

Korriban Naga Sadow Tomb: Power ring puzzle
The four systems must be transferred from the left pillar to the right pillar. Move the four rings in this order: Left to Right, Left to Middle, Right to Middle, Left to Right, Middle to Left, Middle to Right, Left to Middle, Right to Left, Middle to Left, Right to Middle, Left to Right, Left to Middle, Right to Middle, Left ot Right, Middle to Right, Middle to Left, Right to Left, Middle to Right, Left to Middle, Left to Right, Middle to Right.

Korriban Naga Sadow Tomb: Defeating Yuthura and Uthar
Complete the Naga Sadow's tomb after poisoning Yuthura and Uthar . When you have defeated the two Terentateks in the right chamber, get the cold and fire grenade to clear the acid. When you have the grenades, go to the central chamber where the acid is located. Throw the cold grenade and freeze the acid. When you are on the ice, lay about 12 mines of any kind besides flash and save the game. Get the Sith ceremonial lightsaber and return to the ice pack. The intermission sequence with Uthar and Yuthura will start. Kill both Yuthura and Uthar by running to the tomb door behind you. The mines will explode, killing both of them while they are still poisoned. Pick up the items, run to Dreshdae, and fly to the next world.

Manaan Sith Base: Defeating the Dark Jedi
Have the main character as Bastila and Big Z in your party. Once inside the base, after getting past the water pressure is a room where you will find Sasha. Next to that room is another room with a dark Jedi and two fish-like creatures. To defeat the Dark Jedi, have Bastila throw the lightsabers at her and make Big Z attack her with two swords. Keep doing this and she will die quickly. You can take out the other two fish creatures afterwards.

Manaan Sith Base: Entering training room
The only way to get to the training room in the Sith base is to first go to the Cantina in the city. You will see a Selkath deep inside the room. Talk to him and he will tell you about his daughter that has joined the Sith. Agree to help him, and the door to the training room should be open. Return to the Sith base and go to the locked door. Once inside, it will look like a cross-shaped area. Find the door that is marked "Medical". Go in there first, then the dormitory. Talk to the daughter, then go to the training room to fight the Dark Jedi.

Manaan Republic Enclave: Sith encryption code puzzle
For these matrices:
Additive: 1, 2, 4, 7, 11, 16 (19, 22, 24, 31)
Subtractive: 21, 18, 16, 15, 15, 16 (14, 18, 19, 21)
Multiplicative: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32 (48, 52, 64, 96)
Divisive: 128, 64, 32, 16, 8, 4 (2, 1, 0, -2)
Exponential: 1, 32, 81, 64, 25 (1, 3, 6, 9)
Logarithmic: 1 0 - 8 3 - 32 5 - 128 (5, 6, 7, 8)

The answers are: 22, 18, 64, 2, 6, 7. That will get you a security card to enter the Sith Private Hanger on Manaan.

Manaan: Increase Dark alignment indefinitely:
Accept the mysterious datapad on Tatooine after killing Calo Nord. Go to Manaan and talk to Hulas in the eastern part of Athos City, but make sure you first switch everyone out of your party so that you are alone. He will ask you to assassinate Lorgal, who is in the Republic Embassy just north of his location. Hack into the terminal near Lorgal's cell in the Republic Embassy. Select the option to assassinate Lorgal, but make sure you do not have enough Computer Spikes to kill him (either sell all your spikes or deposit them into you storage onboard the Ebon Hawk, except for three). If done correctly, he should still be alive and be on the same screen after you select that option. The screen should say "FAILURE: Not enough spikes" or something similar. Keep selecting the option to kill him repeatedly until you are satsified. Log out of the terminal and you will gain Dark side points, but Lorgal will still be alive. If your not maxed out on Dark Side points, log back in and keep "killing" Lorgal.

Finish everything needed to be done underwater (get through the Republic Research Station, past the big shark, and to the Star Map). When you surface, Roland Wann will meet you just outside the door. You will converse about what you found out about the fate of the station. Once you are done talking to him, talk to him again. He will say something along the lines of needing to keep your conversation secret. Choose the option that asks him for a bribe to keep silent. He will more or less ignore you and you will gain Dark Side points. After that, he will continue to say the same thing every time you talk to him. Keep trying to bribe him and you will get a Dark Side point each time.

Manaan: Genohardan assassination missions
At some point, you will be given a Datapad on Tatooine that tells you about someone named Hula looking for you on Manaan. He wants you to come alone or not at all. If you try to speak with him with others in your party, he will not talk to you about the Genohardan. If you come alone, he will talk to you about a secret bounty hunters guild that only the elite are allowed to join. If you are trying to remain on the Light side, do not take up his offer. Instead, politely refuse him and walk away. If you are playing on the Dark side, take him up on his offer. You will first have to kill one of two people, on Manaan and Dantooine. Kill both of them to get rewards. You then have to kill three others, on Manaan, Kashyyyk, and the Dune Sea of Tatooine. After you kill all three of them, you will learn that Hulas was actually having you kill the leaders of the Genohardan, and is now going to become the leader himself. You can either walk away or challenge him. If you challenge him, he will want to meet you in the Dune Sea of Tatooine for a final battle there. Do not go alone. He will be there with about eight others to help him. Also, be prepared before you exit the gates to the desert; the battle starts as soon as you go through. Once you defeat the Genohardan, you get some nice items and plenty of Darkside points from the assassinations.

Manaan: Win your own trial
After you complete what's needed at the Sith base, the only way out is the elevator to the city. Once you get to the top, the guards will place you under arrest. You will go to trial. If you accept the help of the Selkath to defend you, you will lose and die. If you represent yourself, they will find you innocent.

Manaan: Defeating Calo Nord
After you see the intermission sequence featuring Calo Nord coming to kill you, go to Maanan. Complete all the tasks at the underwater station. While you are going to your submarine, you will find Calo with two thugs with him. Equip a double vibroblade and attack Calo. Tell you teammates to attack the others and you will easily kill him. Note: He has 2,000 credits in his remains.

Manaan: Facing Darth Bandon
If you choose Manaan as the third planet you visit, you will fight Darth Bandon in the first hallway in the underwater base. He appears there after you return from the Star Map. If you stand in the middle of the door before opening it, the Dark Jedi that are with him will just stand there, making it a lot easier to defeat him. Note: They will attack you after Bandon is dead.

Manaan: Duplicate items
1. Go to the submersible in Manaan. Equip your two other party members with the items to be duplicated.
2. Go down to the underwater base. Go to any airlock.
3. Unequip all of the equipment from your other two characters.
4. Go through the airlock and come back in.
5. Your other two characters will have "respawned" with what they were wearing when they came down to the base, thus leaving you with one set of their equipment in inventory and another equipped to them.
6. Repeat steps 3 and 4 as many times as desired.

Note: Sometimes they do not respawn with the equipment. If this happens, re-equip all the items, then go through the airlock and come back inside. That should fix it.

Instead of doing the "do not respawn fix", you can just put the items you want duplicated on again, then save the game. Then, continue with steps 3 and 4. This way, you can duplicate other items than just the ones your other two characters were wearing when they came down to the base. You save time by not having to go out the airlock to reset the respawn.

Star Forge Command level: Darth Revan's and Star Forge robes
When you get onto the Star Forge, you will eventually run into a hallway with about eight gun turrets. At the end of the hallway farthest from the turrets is a room with an armor creator. With a number of Computer Spikes you can create personalized Jedi armor. If you choose the Dark Side you will caquire Darth Revan's Robes. If you are on the Light Side, you will acquire the Star Forge Robes.

Star Forge: Droids
When fighting the droids that keep respawning, slice the terminals around the hall and choose to overload the generators.

To stop the Star Forge droids from regenerating, you can either create your own droid or overload the terminal. If you run out of spikes, the containers next to every terminal will glow green as if they have an energy shield. Go to all of them that are glowing. Open them together and they will have enough spikes to overload the terminals or create droids.

Star Forge: Battling Dark Jedi, Dark Jedi Apprentices, and Sith Troopers
If you can, avoid using Force powers to save things such as Drain Life or Death Field for fighting Malak. Switch to the easy difficulty setting if desired and change it back later.

Star Forge Factory: Defeating Malak:
To make the final battle easier, use Drain Life, Death Field, Shock, Force Lightning, or Force Storm on the captive Jedi to destroy them. Note: Drain Life and Death Field will restore you to maximum vitality.

While fighting Malak at the very end of the game, there are "dead Jedis" around the arena. If you have the power of Death Field or Drain Life, you can also use these bodies the same way that Malak does. Target the Jedi and use the Drain Life or Death Field power. You will have a fresh bar of life, and Malak can no longer recharge by using the Jedi.

When you begin battling Malak on the Star Forge, fight him until he retreats and takes energy from the dead Jedi. Then, fight him a second time until he retreats again. Once he retreats the second time, destroy all the Jedi. Start from the Jedi on the left side of the room, then make your way to the balcony and destroy all of them there. Finally, travel to the right and destroy the remaining ones there. Try tp heal yourself as you are making your way to the Jedi. Once you get to the right and destroy the Jedi at that location, wait for Malak to catch up to you. He should be considerably stronger the third time you fight him. Battle him until his health is half way depleted. If your health starts dropping too low, use either Medpacs or the Heal power. Once his health is half way down, boost your health all the way, and you should be able to finish him with your lightsaber. The Flurry attack is recommended.

To defeat Darth Malak easily, you can use the Destroy Droid Force power on the dead Jedi. This way, Malak cannot power up and there will be only one battle.

The easiest way to beat Malak is to run. All close range attacks end in your death. As soon as he shows you his captured Jedi, run away. Run to all the "dead" Jedi and finish them off with a "kill" Force attack. Then, allow Malak to get close enough for you to attack with "Force Storm." Hit him once and run. Get far enough away and use the same attack. Keeping running and hitting until he is dead. He will not attack you from afar; and you will be safe.

To defeat Malak easily, keep him at a distance unless you are about level 20. First, set your items to Advance Medpacks, so that you can use those quickly when needed. Next, run away from him and exit battle mode. Then, destroy all the captive Jedi so that Malak cannot heal himself. Keep your distance from Malak and use the "Throw Lightsaber" feat to kill him easily without having to fight him one on one. Make sure to have plenty of Advance Medpaks to keep yourself healed during the fight. Do not use "Force Heal" if possible to save your Force powers to throw your lightsaber.

You can defeat Malak faster if you have about 12 Life Support Packs. Whenever Malak pauses to drain life from one of the Jedi, save the game. It will return paused, giving you the chance to use a Life Pack and fight again. Repeat this until he is defeated.

When facing Malak, have Burst Of Speed and as many shields and stimulants as you can get. When you begin the battle, cast Force Resistance or Immunity, then fight after he tells you about the suspended Jedi. When you begin to fight again, use Burst Of Speed and run around the deck to get far enough away from him to activate your shield. Then, run more and pump yourself full of stimulants. Next, drain the life from every Jedi so Malak cannot use them. Finally, fight Malak. Repeat this if needed for the third bout.

When you obtain Yusani's Energy Shield, save it for the final confrontation with Malak. It is by far the best energy shield in the game and you only get it once. When active, it makes you invulnerable to lightsaber attacks.

If you are a Dark Side character fighting Lord Malak, use Plague to slow him down and use Force Life Drain or Death Field on the captive Jedi. Doing so will replenish your health and Force points.

If you are playing on the Light Side and have Throw Lightsaber, you can replenish your Force points by freeing the captive Jedi by throwing it at them. Keep running away from Malak, throwing your lightsaber at him. When you run out of power, throw a lightsaber at the Jedi to defeat him rather easily.

If you chose to be a Jedi Guardian, run as far away from him as you can and use the Force Jump to hit him. Run away before he can hit you back. Repeat this and any of the other strategies for using the Jedi and he will be incredibly easy to defeat.

Taris Lower City: Keep Sith Armor:
After obtaining the Sith Armor, transfer it to another person in your party and equip it. Swap that person out of your party for another character before getting the Sith papers from the Hidden Bek leader, Gadon. Note: Whoever you switch out to must keep it on while going between planets or you will still lose it.

Taris Lower City: Extra items
Find Mission and get inside the Black Vulker's base. Go to the room where the prototype swoop racer engine is located. One of the Black Vulkers will offer to let you join them. Do this and he will tell you to kill Gadon. Once you are outside the base, go back inside to that same room. Kill the three bodyguards and get the prototype engine. Then, go to the Hidden Bek base, but do not kill Gadon. Tell them that you have the prototype engine and enter the race. Win the race, and kill Bergek and his people. You will have Bastila at you hideout. Once there, return to the Hidden Bek base. You will be able to enter the race again. You do not have to win it this time. Bastila will be standing there, Talk to her and you will return to your hideout with an extra double-bladed lightsaber, Bergek's belt, and his gloves. You can sell these items or equip them to your allies. You can do this multiple times and get however many desired.

Taris Sewers: Defeating the Rancor:
In the room just before the Rancor, you will notice a dismembered arm. Search the arm, and you will receive an item (synthesized scent) that is supposed to lure the Rancor. Go into the Rancor room, approach the corpse pile, and search it. Take all the items. Search it again, then press X to enter "give" mode. Put in one frag grenade and one of the synthesized scents obtained from the dismembered arm. Exit the item screen. The Rancor will approach the corpse pile, eat it, and explode. This saves you from fighting, keeps your health, gives you more experience points, and also saves you four or five grenades.

Take Mission to the doorway. Go into solo mode and use her stealth ability. Walk to the pile of bones in middle of room. Take the things in the pile. Access the now empty pile and drop the odor (obtained in the same area) and one frag grenade in. An intermission sequence will begin. The monster will approach the pile, eat the grenade, and die.

Search the severed arm just outside the door to the Rancor's lair to get three vials of synthesized scent. If you have only one frag grenade, run carefully to the corpse pile and take all the items there. If you do not approach the Rancor, he will stay back and not attack, even though he is shown as an enemy. After looting the pile, switch to "Give Items". Place one frag grenade in the pile, then one vial of synthesized scent. You will be treated to an intermission sequence showing the Rancor's demise, and an easy 200 experience points.

If you have a few frag grenades, you can easily use them to kill the Rancor. Walk towards it, and as soon as it highlights as an enemy, throw a frag grenade. Then, immediately turn and run back into the doorway you just came from. The Rancor will be unable to follow you, and after suffering 20 damage, will walk back to its starting location. Save the game and repeat to kill the Rancor for 700 experience points. Five or six frag grenades should be sufficient, especially if you save and reload to ensure that each grenade does the full 20 damage instead of 10. For added flair, you can rush in and finish the Rancor off with a melee attack once it is almost dead. However, you will be killed if your first swing misses.

Hit it with a poison grenade. After it wears off, give him another. It will not kill it, but you can finish it off with a frag grenade.

Taris Sewers: Bypassing the Rancor:
When you see the Rancor that is facing away from your team in the large room, take only one of team members and put the other in the "Apartment". You should only have "yourself" and Mission Vao. At the entrance of the large room facing the Rancor (with his back turned), take over Mission. Turn on the invisible camouflage and move Mission towards the door the Rancor is facing. Move Mission to the right side of the Rancor where his right foot is far enough back so she can pass. After moving past the Rancor, go to the door, open it, and notice two guards. Toss two plasma grenades at them, then finish them off with Mission's blaster. Turn around and move fairly close to the Rancor. Open fire on the Rancor to keep it distracted. Switch to your character and follow the same route that Mission took. The Rancor will be too distracted with Mission and will not notice you. Be sure not to touch the Rancor. Once your character has made it where Mission is located, toss only frag grenades. It will take between five to seven of them to kill the Rancor. You will not have enough frags to kill the Rancor, but you can both move to the door that the guards where watching and move to the next level. Finish off the Rancor later and continue on.

Switch to solo mode. Turn on the stealth camouflage. Then, use Mission to pass the Rancor first. When she reaches the door to the gang base, equip a blaster and open fire. Then, take the main character and use their stealth camouflage to also pass the Rancor.

Save the game at the door just before confronting the Rancor. Walk up until you pinpoint the monster in combat mode. Then, throw one concussion grenade. If he does not turn around, the grenade worked. Quickly run for the door to the left or right of the beast. Note: You will also need to kill two guards.

When you see the Rancor, slowly walk up to it and throw an adhesive or concussion grenade at it. Then, quickly run in the room and defeat the Vulkar guards. Make sure you have a lot of medpacs.

Taris: Sewers: Easy experience points:
When you get to the sewers, if you find a pack of Rakghouls, kill them. Transit back to the hideout, then transit back. The Rakghouls will be there again.

Taris Undercity: Cheap Medpacs:
In the Undercity in Taris is a man that has a shop. He sells Medipacs for 30 credits. Everyone else sells them for 40 credits.

Taris Undercity: Easy experience:
Go to the location where you meet a gang of looters. They will tell you to go back. You will then be attacked by Rakghouls. Slightly farther in that direction, you will find two groups of the monsters. Fight them. Return back later to that location and they will be there again. Repeat this to gain experience points.

Taris Upper City: Increase Dark alignment:
When you are on the east side of Taris, walk toward the three drunkards. This will initiate one of the drunkards to insult you. Pick the last response at the very bottom of the dialogue menu to start a fight with the drunkards. Before the fight, it will state that you have gained Dark Force points. Beat the drunkards to continue.

Taris Upper City: Defeating Brendak Starkiller
Go to the vendor that is outside of the cantina in the Upper City. Buy the Echani Ritual Brand or any other melee weapon that does considerable damage. Start the match with Brendak. When the fight begins, target him and run along the outer edge of the arena until you get within a few meters of him. Then, run towards him in a zigzag motion to avoid getting hit by his blasters until you are directly next to him. At this point you should have suffered little or no damage from Brendak. Start hitting him with everything you have and you should be able to kill him using little or no medpacs.

Taris Upper City: Defeating opponents in duels
To defeat strong opponents in the duel ring, such as Twitch and Brendack Starkiller, get a lot of Medpacs and frag grenades. At the start, throw a frag grenade and begin to run from side to side. Keep throwing frag grenades. When your health gets low, use a medpac and repeat until they are defeated. Note: If you defeat Brendack Starkiller, you will get his blaster. It is a good weapon for Carth.

Taris Upper City: Open hologram locked box
During your stay on Taris, you will find a locked box in one of the Upper City apartment rooms. To unlock it, you must activate the holograms in the correct order. The order is: Enlinda, Ujaa, Ujii, Loopa, Fodo, Ashana. Open the box to get Echani Light Armor (upgradable).

Taris Upper City: Unlimited Medpacs:
Go to the Hutt that will let you duel. Lose intenionally then go to the corner to the left of the Hutt. There will be a container that marked as first aid. You can only get one Medpac at a time. Then, talk to the Hutt to fight again and lose. Go back to the container and you can get another Medpac. Repeat this as many times as desired. Note: If you defeat Twitch, the Medpacs will stop appearing in the container. Keep losing to Twitch or anyone before him and return to the container after each loss.

Tatooine Anchorhead: Unlimited Computer Spikes
You can find unlimited amounts of Computer Spikes on Tatooine. Go to where you can purchase droids (near the desert gate) and you can buy an unlimited supply of Spikes for 250 credits each.

Tatooine: Anchorhead: Easy credits:
Look for a woman near the Hunting Lodge that will sell you a Wraid Plate. Sell it for 500 credits. After that, go out into the desert and kill all the Wraid and get their skull plates. Return to the Hunting Lodge and sell them for 32 credits each.

Tatooine: Anchorhead: Getting battle droid for less credits
Go to the droid shop and persuade the shopkeeper to the point that you only have to pay 2,500 credits. If you need credits, get Wraid Plates to sell at the Hunting Lodge.

Tatooine Sand People Territory: Entering enclave
When you go to the Sand People enclave on Tatooine, you have to war the Sand People robes. Also, you must walk and not run. Even if you kill all the Sand People outside the enclave, you can still get in. Put on the robes and walk to avoid the gun turrets. You must also have HK-47 in your party to enter.

Tatooine Dune Sea: Easy experience and credits
After you give the Sand People Chieftain the water vaporizers, go back to the entrance to the Sand People territory. The Sand People guarding the entrance will not react to you, unless you talk to them. The Sand Person to the far left (not the Elite) will keep respawning after you kill him. You can rack up unlimited credits by taking his Gaffi Stick each time you kill him. You also can accumulate unlimited experience by killing him each time.

Tatooine Krayt Dragon Cave: Defeating Calo Nord
Have a party consisting of Bastila and Carth. Have Carth equip one or two melee weapons and have your entire party attack Calo. Note: It helps to have the normal or advanced power swing to attack him. If you have it, keep doing this and Calo will probably attack Bastila and Carth instead of your character. He should die quickly, and his thugs are easy pickings.

When Calo Nord appears after coming out of the dragon's lair, instead of engaging him, you can run around the slain dragon on its right side and proceed to the exit of the Eastern Sand Dunes. Calo will not attack you. Make sure your entire party is with you when doing this.

Make sure you have a healthy supply of mines (may can be recovered in the Western Dune Sea) and Thermal Detonator (found on the body of a Twi'lek in the Western Dune Sea). Complete the Krayt Dragon quest and save the game. Enter the dragon's cave, acquire the Star Map, then leave. Pay close attention to where Calo and his henchmen appear. Load your saved game and place all your mines approximately where Calo appeared. Enter the cave and acquire the Star Map again. Leave and watch the intermission sequence. Calo and his henchmen should already be standing in death row. While the game is paused, select the Thermal Detonator and aim it at Calo Nord. Let it fly, then prepare for an all out assault.

Unknown Planet Temple: Crystals:
Before you leave the planet, make sure that you go to the workbench and construct your most powerful crystals into your lightsaber(s).

You will find two pillars in the temple. Inside those pillars are two lightsaber crystals. Get both of them; one is the most powerful crystal you can get. It has an incredible feat against the Dark Side.

Unknown Planet Temple Catacombs: Puzzle in the lower levels
Walk in an "H" on the square puzzle to unlock the door and continue with the rest of the level. Note: Do this in solo mode so your other party members do not disturb the pattern.

Unknown Planet Temple Summit: Alignment shift
This trick only takes about 45 minutes to an hour. Save the game at the temple summit where you meet with Bastila in the Star Forge system. From here you can go either way to the Dark or Light side. When having an alignment all the way to the Dark side, tell Bastila to turn to the Light side among the other dialogue. Your alignment meter will go all the way back up to the middle. You can continue the game from here to see the Light ending, or stay on the Dark side to see the Dark ending.

Easy battles
Before major battles, use every kind of stimulant you can find, and put on shields for party members. Do this before opening doors and triggers that start these battles.

Use Medpacs and Repair Kits during battle, and save healing by Force power for after battle regenerating.

This trick requires the Two-Weapon Fighting feat, Critical Strike feat, two lightsabers, and two Bondar Crystals. Assemble one Bondar Crystal in each of the lightsaber and another crystal of your choice. When you use Critical Strike, the enemy will be stunned almost 90% of the time. The two Bondar Crystals and Critical Strike will triple you chances of stunning the enemy.

Easy experience
Activate droids before or after battles, you will receive more experience points just for activating them.

Do quests as they appear, and go back and visit other planets. There are sometimes new opportunities and chances to battle more for experience points.

Unlimited computer spikes, grenades, and security spikes
Repeatedly ask the T3-M4 droid to make you programming spikes (computer spikes) until it denies your request. Go to the cargo hold on your ship and deposit all of the spikes into one of the metal boxes or other container. Go back to T3-M4 and repeat. This also works with Mission and security spikes, and Zaalbar on grenades. You can also sell these to make some quick credits.

Unlimited energy shields
Equip the shields on the arms of your current party members, then activate them. Resume the game. While activated, unequip them, then return to the game. The energy shield should still be active. Repeat this when necessary.

Restoring health
When you level up, think about where you are in the game. If you know a big battle is about to happen and you do not need any new powers, then consider healing yourself, and not leveling up yet. Whatever experience you get automatically goes to your next level anyway, and leveling up completely heals you. It is more useful to do this than to try to heal or use medipacs in the middle of a battle.

Saving credits
You really do not need to buy anything in the game under the easy difficulty setting. There are ample power-ups, weapons, and armor that can be found. However, make sure to buy the HK-47 droid, as it is a party member. Save your money to advance yourself, make loans, and to buy the items that do appear anywhere else. Never ask for rewards, as they always are given. Use Persuasion to nicely ask for more.

Swoop racing boost
If you shift gears on a launch pad, it will give your swoop a stronger boost.

Receive less damage from lightsabers:
Whenever facing a Jedi or someone with a blade of any kind, equip and activate a personal shield to your arm to reduce the damage.

Lightsaber recommendations
it is better to use two single bladed sabers rather then one double bladed weapon. You will get to use four modifier crystals instead of two; getting more power for every hit.

Use a double bladed lightsaber with Upari and Sapith crystals result in both hands that can hit for 25-38 damage with maximum skill in lightsaber use, melee: lightsaber, Sith Mask, Dark Side gauntlets, and dueling level 3. This gives a +33 to hit bonus. The actual damage seen on opponents (43-61 x2 damage) one hit kills basically everything except for Malak and some Dark Jedi.

In your primary hand, use a lightsaber with the Upari and Sapith crystals (14/30 +28 to hit) and in your secondary hand yse Bacca's Blade with full upgrades (13/35 +28 to hit). This has an increased damage modifier that procs when using "master" attacks.

Force Persuade
Every time your character levels up , you can choose a new power. Get the two Force Persuade abilities and people will not be able to resist. Note: Forcing people to do your bidding will increase your Dark alignment on some objectives.

Any time that you use Force Persuade, you will receive one Dark Side point.

The Persuasion ability is very useful and adds options to the game, and not just in conversations. Give the main character a lot of persuasion points instead of Dominate Mind so that you can add other abilities and still have good Persuasion.

Character development
Have different characters focus on different abilities. For example, give the droids high Computer and Repair abilities, use another character Dark Force powers, another for Stealth, etc.

It is good to make one character power up in defense and saving throws, set default attack, and use as a "last one standing" to clean up in the event other characters fall.

Stay away from starting fights if possible. They may end side quest opportunities.

Switch characters when there are better suited ones for the job. Use your computer-skilled character to save Spikes, repair with less Parts, etc.

Save the game before talking to major characters or events. You can try out the outcomes before gaining Dark or Light side points as desired.

Use the following trick to choose more Force powers. Do not level up your character until they are a Jedi. Then, level up your character as many times possible. It is still possible to defeat Bendak Starkiller and everyone else at level 5.

The Scoundrel class is the best, and you have more skill points to use. Focus on about four skills and leave about two or three skill point unuseds. This allows you to have more for when you can improve your Awareness or other skill instead of spending it on something you will not use as much, such as Repair or something similar. This way, your more important skills will always be at their maximum.

Always become a master at Two Weapon Fighting. This way, you are better with either two swords, a double bladed saber, or two sabers.

Hidden names
When using the random name generator, press it enough times and you will get character names from the Homestar Runner cartoons, such as "Homsar" and "Kerreck." It might take a few tries to find these.

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