
cheat description | size | |
MORROWIND TRIBUNAL FAQ Nov. 25, 2005 | 16KB | |
UHS MODULE Nov. 25, 2005 | 156KB |
Flight mode | setflying 1 |
Super jumps | setsuperjump 1 |
Walk on water | setwaterwalking 1 |
Breathe underwater | setwaterbreathing 1 |
Set player level | setlevel <number> |
Set maximum fatigue value | setfatigue <number> |
Set maximum magic value | setmagicka <number> |
Set player health | sethealth <number> |
Set abilities and skills | set<ability or skill> <number> |
Set endurance skill | setendurance <number> |
Set agility skill | setagility <number> |
Set will power skill | setwillpower <number> |
Set intelligence skill | setintelligence <number> |
Set strength skill | setstrength <number> |
Add indicated amount of gold | additem gold_100 <number> |
Spawn indicated item | additem <item name> <amount> |
Place character in the named cell | centeroncell <cell ID> or coc <cell ID> |
Place character in debug room | coc "ken's test hole" |
Place character in debug room | coc "toddtest" |
Place character in the exterior cell grid | centeronexterior <x,y> or coe <x,y> |
Spawn monster or item, for example placeatpc vivec_god 20 n | placeatpc <item name> <distance number> <n,s,e,w direction> |
Create map image file for Xbox | createmaps <"filename.esp"> |
Add all entries to journal; takes a long time | filljournal |
Show all the towns on world map | fillmap |
Jump 128 units away from current location | fixme |
Get faction reaction | getfactionreaction <faction ID faction ID> |
Resurrect people that you have killed | resurrect |
Show shorthand for most commands | help |
Set speed | setspeed <number> |
Show variables | showvars or sv |
Stop cell test | stopcelltest or sct |
Test cells | testcells or tc |
Test interior cells | testinteriorcells or tic |
Test models | testmodels or t3d |
Toggle AI | toggleai or ta |
Toggle borders | toggleborders or tb |
Toggle combat statistics | togglecombatstats or tcs |
Toggle collisions | togglecollision or tcl |
Toggle collision boxes | togglecollisionboxes or tcb |
Toggle collision grid | togglecollisiongrid or tcg |
Toggle debug text | toggledebugtext or tdt |
Toggle dialogue statistics | toggledialoguestats or tds |
Toggle fog of war | togglefogofwar or tfow |
Show ownership and script name | togglefullhelp or tfh |
Toggle God mode | togglegodmode or tgm |
Toggle grid | togglegrid or tg |
Toggle kill statistics | togglekillstats or tks |
Toggle load fade | toggleloadfade |
Toggle magic statistics | togglemagicstats or tms |
Toggle menus | togglemenus or tm |
Toggle scripts | togglescripts |
Toggle stats | togglestats or tst |
Toggle sky | togglesky or ts |
Toggle texture string | toggletexturestring or tts |
Toggle world | toggleworld or tw |
Toggle wireframe | togglewireframe or twf |
Toggle path grid display | tpg |
Add indicated spell | addspell <spell name> |
Show selected actor's group members | sg |
Show selected actor's target group members. | st |
Show scene graph | showscenegraph or ssg |
Move one to one | moto |
Toggle water | twa |
Toggle vanity mode | tvm |
Toggle script output | tso |
Toggle load fade | tlf |
Toggle AI | tai |
Output reference information | ori |
Toggle lights | tl |
Show variables | sv |
Show animation | sa |
Reset actors | ra |
Purge textures | pt |
Unknown | show |
Join indicated faction | pcjoinfaction <faction name> |
Remove bounty on your head | payfinethief |
Remove bounty | setpccrimelevel 0 |
Set mercantile skill | setmercantile <number> |
Set sneak skill | setsneak <number> |
Set acrobatics skill | setacrobatics <number> |
Set light armor skill | setlightarmor <number> |
Set medium armor skill | setmediumarmor <number> |
Set short blade skill | setshortblade <number> |
Set alchemy skill | setalchemy <number> |
Set alternation skill | setalteration <number> |
Set armor bonus | setarmorbonus <number> |
Set armorer skill | setarmorer <number> |
Set athletics skill | setathletics <number> |
Set attack bonus | setattackbonus <number> |
Set axe skill | setaxe <number> |
Set blocking skill | setblock <number> |
Set blunt weapon skill | setbluntweapon <number> |
Set chameleon skill | setchameleon <number> |
Set conjuration skill | setconjuration <number> |
Set defense bonus | setdefendbonus <number> |
Set destruction skill | setdestruction <number> |
Set enchant skill | setenchant <number> |
Set fatigue | setfatigue <number> |
Set hand to hand skill | sethandtohand <number> |
Set heavy armor skill | setheavyarmor <number> |
Set illusion skill | setillusion <number> |
Set long blade skill | setlongblade <number> |
Set luck skill | setluck <number> |
Set magicka level | setmagicka <number> |
Set marksman skill | setmarksman <number> |
Set mysticism skill | setmysticism <number> |
Set reputation | setreputation <number> |
Set resist blight skill | setresistblight <number> |
Set resist corprus skill | setresistcorprus <number> |
Set resist disease skill | setresistdisease <number> |
Set resist fire skill | setresistfire <number> |
Set resist frost skill | setresistfrost <number> |
Set resist magicka skill | setresistmagicka <number> |
Set resist normal weapons skill | setresistnormalweapons <number> |
Set resist paralysis skill | setresistparalysis <number> |
Set resist poison skill | setresistpoison <number> |
Set resist shock skill | setresistshock <number> |
Set restoration skill | setrestoration <number> |
Set security skill | setsecurity <number> |
Set spear skill | setspear <number> |
Set speechcraft skill | setspeechcraft<number> |
Set unarmored skill | setunarmored <number> |
Set your personality level | setpersonality |
Modify this ability/attribute by set amount | modacrobatics <number> |
Modify this ability/attribute by set amount | modagility <number> |
Modify this ability/attribute by set amount | modalarm <number> |
Modify this ability/attribute by set amount | modalchemy <number> |
Modify this ability/attribute by set amount | modalteration <number> |
Modify this ability/attribute by set amount | modarmorbonus <number> |
Modify this ability/attribute by set amount | modarmorer <number> |
Modify this ability/attribute by set amount | modathletics <number> |
Modify this ability/attribute by set amount | modattackbonus <number> |
Modify this ability/attribute by set amount | modaxe <number> |
Modify this ability/attribute by set amount | modblindness <number> |
Modify this ability/attribute by set amount | modblock <number> |
Modify this ability/attribute by set amount | modbluntweapon <number> |
Modify this ability/attribute by set amount | modcastpenalty <number> |
Modify this ability/attribute by set amount | modchameleon <number> |
Modify this ability/attribute by set amount | modconjuration <number> |
Modify this ability/attribute by set amount | modcurrentfatigue <number> |
Modify this ability/attribute by set amount | modcurrenthealth <number> |
Modify this ability/attribute by set amount | modcurrentmagicka <number> |
Modify this ability/attribute by set amount | moddefendbonus <number> |
Modify this ability/attribute by set amount | moddestruction <number> |
Modify this ability/attribute by set amount | moddisposition <number> |
Modify this ability/attribute by set amount | modenchant <number> |
Modify this ability/attribute by set amount | modendurance <number> |
Modify this ability/attribute by set amount | modfactionreaction <number> |
Modify this ability/attribute by set amount | modfatigue <number> |
Modify this ability/attribute by set amount | modfight <number> |
Modify this ability/attribute by set amount | modflee <number> |
Modify this ability/attribute by set amount | modflying <number> |
Modify this ability/attribute by set amount | modhandtohand <number> |
Modify this ability/attribute by set amount | modhealth <number> |
Modify this ability/attribute by set amount | modheavyarmor <number> |
Modify this ability/attribute by set amount | modhello <number> |
Modify this ability/attribute by set amount | modillusion <number> |
Modify this ability/attribute by set amount | modintelligence <number> |
Modify this ability/attribute by set amount | modinvisibile <number> |
Modify this ability/attribute by set amount | modlightarmor <number> |
Modify this ability/attribute by set amount | modlongblade <number> |
Modify this ability/attribute by set amount | modluck <number> |
Modify this ability/attribute by set amount | modmagicka <number> |
Modify this ability/attribute by set amount | modmarksman <number> |
Modify this ability/attribute by set amount | modmediumarmor <number> |
Modify this ability/attribute by set amount | modmercantile <number> |
Modify this ability/attribute by set amount | modmysticism <number> |
Modify this ability/attribute by set amount | modparalysis <number> |
Modify this ability/attribute by set amount | modpccrimelevel <number> |
Modify this ability/attribute by set amount | modpcfacrep <number> |
Modify this ability/attribute by set amount | modpersonality <number> |
Modify this ability/attribute by set amount | modregion <number> |
Modify this ability/attribute by set amount | modreputation <number> |
Modify this ability/attribute by set amount | modresistblight <number> |
Modify this ability/attribute by set amount | modresistcorprus <number> |
Modify this ability/attribute by set amount | modresistdisease <number> |
Modify this ability/attribute by set amount | modresistfire <number> |
Modify this ability/attribute by set amount | modresistfrost <number> |
Modify this ability/attribute by set amount | modresistmagicka <number> |
Modify this ability/attribute by set amount | modresistnormalweapons <number> |
Modify this ability/attribute by set amount | modresistparalysis <number> |
Modify this ability/attribute by set amount | modresistpoison <number> |
Modify this ability/attribute by set amount | modresistshock <number> |
Modify this ability/attribute by set amount | modrestoration <number> |
Modify this ability/attribute by set amount | modsecurity <number> |
Modify this ability/attribute by set amount | modshortblade <number> |
Modify this ability/attribute by set amount | modsilence <number> |
Modify this ability/attribute by set amount | modsneak <number> |
Modify this ability/attribute by set amount | modspear <number> |
Modify this ability/attribute by set amount | modspeechcraft <number> |
Modify this ability/attribute by set amount | modspeed <number> |
Modify this ability/attribute by set amount | modstrength <number> |
Modify this ability/attribute by set amount | modsuperjump <number> |
Modify this ability/attribute by set amount | modswimspeed <number> |
Modify this ability/attribute by set amount | modunarmored <number> |
Modify this ability/attribute by set amount | modwaterbreathing <number> |
Modify this ability/attribute by set amount | modwaterwalking <number> |
Modify this ability/attribute by set amount | modwillpower <number> |
Raise your rank in any faction | pcraiserank <faction name> |
Turn into a Aundae Clan vampire | startscript "vampire_aundae_pc" |
Turn into a Berne Clan vampire | startscript "vampire_berne_pc" |
Turn into a Quarra Clan vampire | startscript "vampire_quarra_pc" |
Output character information | getblindness |
Output character information | getblock |
Output character information | getbluntweapon |
Output character information | getbuttonpressed |
Output character information | getcastpenalty |
Output character information | getchameleon |
Output character information | getcommondisease |
Output character information | getconjuration |
Output character information | getcurrentaipackage |
Output character information | getcurrenttime |
Output character information | getcurrentweather |
Output character information | getdeadcount |
Output character information | getdefendbonus |
Output character information | getdestruction |
Output character information | getdetected |
Output character information | getdisabled |
Output character information | getdisposition |
Output character information | getdistance |
Output character information | geteffect |
Output character information | getenchant |
Output character information | getendurance |
Output character information | getfactionreaction |
Output character information | getfatigue |
Output character information | getfight |
Output character information | getflee |
Output character information | getflying |
Output character information | getforcesneak |
Output character information | gethandtohand |
Output character information | gethealth |
Output character information | gethealthgetratio |
Output character information | getheavyarmor |
Output character information | gethello |
Output character information | getillusion |
Output character information | getintelligence |
Output character information | getinterior |
Output character information | getinvisibile |
Output character information | getitemcount |
Output character information | getjournalindex |
Output character information | getlevel |
Output character information | getlightarmor |
Output character information | getlineofsight |
Output character information | getlocked |
Output character information | getlongblade |
Output character information | getlos |
Output character information | getluck |
Output character information | getmagicka |
Output character information | getmarksman |
Output character information | getmasserphase |
Output character information | getmediumarmor |
Output character information | getmercantile |
Output character information | getmysticism |
Output character information | getparalysis |
Output character information | getpccell |
Output character information | getpccrimelevel |
Output character information | getpcfacrep |
Output character information | getpcrank |
Output character information | getpcsleep |
Output character information | getplayercontrolsdisabled |
Output character information | getplayerfightingdisabled |
Output character information | getplayerjumpingdisabled |
Output character information | getplayerlookingdisabled |
Output character information | getplayermagicdisabled |
Output character information | getplayerviewswitch |
Output character information | getpos |
Output character information | getrace |
Output character information | getreputation |
Output character information | getresistblight |
Output character information | getresistcorprus <number> |
Output character information | getresistdisease |
Output character information | getresistfire |
Output character information | getresistfrost |
Output character information | getresistmagicka |
Output character information | getresistnormalweapons |
Output character information | getresistparalysis |
Output character information | getresistpoison |
Output character information | getresistshock |
Output character information | getrestoration |
Output character information | getsecondspassed |
Output character information | getsecundaphase |
Output character information | getsecurity |
Output character information | getshortblade |
Output character information | getsilence |
Output character information | getsneak |
Output character information | getsoundplaying |
Output character information | getspear |
Output character information | getspeechcraft |
Output character information | getspeed |
Output character information | getspell |
Output character information | getspelleffects |
Output character information | getstandingactor |
Output character information | getstandingpc |
Output character information | getstartingangle |
Output character information | getstartingpos |
Output character information | getstrength |
Output character information | getsuperjump |
Output character information | getswimspeed |
Output character information | gettarget |
Output character information | getunarmored |
Output character information | getvanitymodedisabled |
Output character information | getwaterbreathing |
Output character information | getwaterwalking |
Output character information | getwillpower |
Output character information | getwindspeed |
Character goes to jail | gotojail |
Unknown | hassoulgem |
Unknown | hitattemptonme |
Unknown | hitonme |
Unknown | hurtstandingactor |
Unknown | loopgroup |
Unknown | lowerrank |
Unknown | menumode |
Unknown | messagebox |
Unknown | setsilence |
Unknown | move |
Unknown | moveworld |
Unknown | onactivate |
Unknown | ondeath |
Unknown | onknockout |
Unknown | onmurder |
Unknown | outputobjcounts |
Unknown | outputrefcounts |
Pay character's bounty | payfine |
Unknown | pcclearexpelled |
Unknown | pcexpell |
Unknown | pcexpelled |
Unknown | pcforce1stperson |
Unknown | pcforce3rdperson |
Unknown | pcget3rdperson |
Unknown | pclowerrank |
Unknown | playbink |
Unknown | playgroup |
Unknown | playloopsound3d |
Unknown | playloopsound3dvp |
Unknown | playsound |
Unknown | playsound3d |
Unknown | playsound3dvp |
Unknown | playsoundvp |
Unknown | position |
Unknown | positioncell |
Unknown | raiserank |
Unknown | random |
Unknown | removeeffects |
Remove indicated item | removeitem <item id> |
Unknown | removesoulgem |
Unknown | removespell |
Unknown | removespelleffects |
Unknown | repairedonme |
Unknown | rotate |
Unknown | rotateworld |
Unknown | samefaction |
Unknown | say |
Unknown | saydone |
Unknown | scriptrunning |
Unknown | setalarm |
Unknown | setangle |
Unknown | setatstart |
Unknown | setblindness |
Unknown | setcastpenalty |
Unknown | setdisposition |
Unknown | setfactionreaction |
Unknown | setfight |
Unknown | setflee |
Unknown | setflying |
Unknown | sethealth |
Unknown | sethello |
Unknown | setinvisibile |
Unknown | setlevel |
Unknown | setparalysis |
Unknown | setpcfacrep |
Unknown | setpos |
Unknown | setswimspeed |
Unknown | setwaterbreathing |
Unknown | showmap |
Unknown | showrestmenu |
Unknown | skipanim |
Unknown | startcombat |
Unknown | startscript |
Unknown | stopcombat |
Unknown | stopscript |
Unknown | stopsound |
Unknown | streammusic |
Unknown | wakeuppc |
daedric arrow
daedric battle axe
daedric claymore
daedric club
daedric dagger
daedric dagger_mtas
daedric dagger_soultrap
daedric dai-katana
daedric dart
daedric katana
daedric long bow
daedric longsword
daedric mace
daedric shortsword
daedric spear
daedric staff
daedric tanto
daedric wakizashi
daedric wakizashi_ttgd
daedric war axe
daedric warhammer
daedric warhammer_ttgd