Achievements (Steam)
An open portal. - Open up the portal to... well, you'll find out.
CONTROLLER! - Unlock and play through the secret ending!
Darkness! - Lose all of your light!
ELECTRO! - Turn off gate lock!
End of it. - Complete the game!
Find the corpse! - Find the corpse!
Healthy! - Pick up your first health potion!
I got one! - Collect all of the secret orbs!
In chase. - Run away from the Collector's Scouts!
Key up! - Pick up your first key!
Light it! - Pick up your first match!
MASTER! - Complete The Empty Inn on Extreme Mode!
Run! - Encounter the ghost who haunts the inn!
Search! - Search for something!
Swim! - Go for a swim!
Switch it! - Flick the switches!
Unlock! - Get the key for the second floor from a chest!
Why me? - Get killed!?!?!