The Sims: Unleashed Cheats - PC

 All cheats for this game by platform: PC
Check out these The Sims: Unleashed cheats and stay cool!
Downloadable The Sims: Unleashed Cheats
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Nov. 25, 2005
Nov. 25, 2005
Nov. 25, 2005

NOTE: There are 4 more download(s) available for our registered users. Log in or register now to access them!
Primary Collection of Cheats
Cheat Mode
While playing, press [Ctrl]+[Shift]+C, then type the following codes:

klapaucius - $1000 Simoleons (v1.0)
rosebud - $1000 Simoleons (v1.1)
water_tool - Make your home an island surrounded by water
set_hour # - Change time of day to # (1-24)
sim_speed # - Game speed to # (-1000 to +1000)
interests - View personality and interests of your Sims
autonomy # - Change how Sims think on their own (1-100)
grow_grass # - Grow grass # (1-150)
map_edit on/off - Edit the map
route_balloons on/off - Basic tutorial on/off
sweep on/off - Shows ticks of the game
tile_info on/off - Show or hide tile info
log_mask - Set event logging mask
draw_all_frames on/off - Draw all frames on and off
history - Dumps family history file
edit_char - Open Create-A-Character screen
lot_size # - Change lot size to #
draw_floorable on/off - Floorable grid
draw_routes on/off - Selected person's path displayed
draw_origins - Draw colored dots at each person's origin
move_objects - Move any object
prepare_lot - Check and fix required lot objects
hist_add - Add new family history to family
auto_level - Architecture tools automatically set the level as needed
house <#> - Automatically load indicated house, no questions asked
asssert - Force an assert for testing
log_animations - Log animations in the event log window
tutorial off - No tutorial object generation when tutorial house is loaded
browser_failsafe - Prevent web browser crashes
preview_anims on/off - Preview animations on/off
tile_info - Programmer stats
quit - Quit game
restore_tut - Restore tutorial
rotation <0-3> - Rotate camera
route_balloons on/off - Routing debug balloons on/off
fam_test - Run series of random operations on unhoused families
save - Save currently loaded house
plugh - Say "plugh"
porntipsguzzardo - Say "porntipsguzzardo"
xyzzy - Say "xyzzy"
autonomy <1-100> - Set free thinking level
edit_grass <number> - Set grass change value
grow_grass <0-150> - Set grass growth
lot_size - Set lot size<number>
set_hour <1-24> - Set time of day
<directory path> - Sets the neighborhood directory to the path
sim_log begin/end - Start sim logging
sweep on/off - Ticks on/off
tile_info on/off - Tile information on/off
visitor_control - Toggle allowing visitors to be controlled using the keyboard
auto_reset - Toggle automatic object reset feature
cam_mode - Toggle camera mode
all_menus - Toggle display of unavail. interactions in control menu
music - Toggle music
quats - Toggle quaternion transformations
sound_log - Toggle sound log window
sound - Toggle soundshtml - Toggle web page creation
reload_people - Total reload of people skeletons, animations, suits and skins

Quick money
Enable cheat mode and enter rosebud;: as a code. Then hold [Enter] so that "No such cheat" begins to flash. Keep the key held to gain up to 99 million simolians.

Enable cheat mode and enter rosebud as a code, then enter !;!;!;!; and so on. Every "!" results in another 1,000 simolians.

Enable cheat mode and enter rosebud as a code, then enter !;!;!;!;! and so on. After your last exclamation point, type a semi colon then a colon. The end of your entry should look like !;!;!;!;: Then, hold [Enter]. The "No such cheat" message will flash. Hold [Enter] to quickly get up to 9,999,999 simoleons.

Full need meters
If your Sim is very depressed or has another low attribute, enable the move_objects_on code and pause game play. Click on the Sim in buy/sell mode and click the bottom of the screen to delete him/her. Once deleted go to the live mode and double clock the person's head icon to go to where that Sim is located. Everything should be close to full. Note: Wave the game immediately before performing this cheat, or you will lose any career changes or points you have earned.

Breeding animals
Unlike Sim babies, you cannot delete the parents and children. Allow the computer run for three Sim days and the kitten/puppy will grow up.

New cheats added in Unleashed
To bring the cheat window press [Ctrl]+[Shift]+[C] in the game and then type any of the codes below. All these cheats only work on the neighborhood screen (some cheats also work in the vacation and downtown screens though):

1. nessie - Brings up the loch ness monster when on the neighborhood, downtown or vacation screen.
2. move_lots - Change lot positions in the neighborhood(press escape to save).
3. show_zones [on|off] - Turns zoning outlines around lots on or off.
4. show_filter [0-7] - Type 'show_filter [number]' to show lot filters.

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