Tidalis Cheats - PC

 All cheats for this game by platform: PC
Check out these Tidalis cheats and stay cool!
Achievements (Steam)
10 Victories! - Win 10 games.
50 Victories! - Win 50 games.
A Combo's Combo - Score 5,000 points in a single combo
A Little Slow - Meet bubba.
Avoid A Giant Squid Attack - Reach the jeweled palace
Block Buster Mk I - Clear 2,000 Blocks
Block Buster Mk II - Clear 5,000 Blocks
Block Buster Mk III - Clear 10,000 Blocks
Block Sweeper Mk I - Clear 100 Blocks
Block Sweeper Mk II - Clear 500 Blocks
Block Sweeper Mk III - Clear 1,000 Blocks
Block Annihilator Mk I - Clear 15,000 Blocks
Block Annihilator Mk II - Clear 20,000 Blocks
Block Annihilator Mk III - Clear 30,000 Blocks
Block Annihilator Mk IV - Clear 50,000 Blocks
Block Annihilator Mk V - Clear 100,000 Blocks
Calling Dr. Wiggles - Speak to dr. wiggles
Chain Me Up Mk I - Clear 20 blocks in a single chain
Chain Me Up Mk II - Clear 30 blocks in a single chain
Combo Annihilator Mk I - Clear 100 blocks in a single combo
Combo Annihilator Mk II - Clear 150 blocks in a single combo
Combo Annihilator Mk III - Clear 1,000 blocks in a single combo
Combo Crusher Mk I - Clear 50 blocks in a single combo
Combo Crusher Mk II - Clear 75 blocks in a single combo
Combo Sweeper - Clear 25 blocks in a single combo
Chains Of Chains Mk I - Clear 50 blocks in a single chain
Chains Of Chains Mk II - Clear 144 blocks in a single chain
Chains Of Chains Mk III - Clear 500 blocks in a single chain
Cooking With Combos Mk I - Score 50,000 points in a single combo
Cooking With Combos Mk II - Score 100,000 points in a single combo
Deep Diver Mk I - Create a combo at least 6 deep
Deep Diver Mk II - Create a combo at least 8 deep
Deep Thinker - Create a combo at least 4 deep
Deepest Depths Mk I - Create a combo at least 10 deep
Deepest Depths Mk II - Create a combo at least 15 deep
Deepest Depths Mk III - Create a combo at least 30 deep
Dr. Wiggles Sighting - Witnesss dr. wiggles' mind-bendingly-horrifying body.
Elementary, My Dear! - Meet socrates
Extrinsic Rewards - Get the ultimate treasure.
Flaming Wild Rabid Ghost Dogs - Everything is better with fire.
Gold Plated Combo Mk I - Score 500,000 points in a single combo
Gold Plated Combo Mk II - Score 1,000,000 points in a single combo
Gold Plated Combo Mk III - 100,000,000 points in a single combo
High Orbit! - Total Stream Travel Distance of 35,786,000 pixels (geosynchronous orbit, in meters).
In Orbit! - Total stream travel distance of 2,000,000 pixels (low-earth orbit upper bound, in meters).
Losing is Fun! - Lose a game.
Meet A Model - Find out about tidalis' resident model
Ouch! - Lose 10 games.
Putting Things Together - Clear 10 blocks in a single chain
Scary Bird Lady - Meet crowlotta
Score Aficionado - Score 1,000 points in a single chain
Score Elite Mk I - Score 5,000 points in a single chain
Score Elite Mk II - Score 10,000 points in a single chain
Score Perfectionist Mk I - Score 50,000 points in a single chain
Score Perfectionist Mk II - Score 100,000 points in a single chain
Score Perfectionist Mk III - Score 500,000 points in a single chain
That's a lot of fun! - Lose 50 games.
To The Moon! - Total Stream Travel Distance of 384,000,000 pixels (distance from earth's surface to the moon, in meters).
True Love - Meet gary.
Victory! - Win a game.
Welcoming Committee - Receive the official welcoming ritual of tidalis. (meet pickles)
Wild Rabid Ghost Dogs - Aieeeee!
Witness Great Sculpting Abilities - You have to see it to believe it.
Witness Great Sculpting Abilities, Again - Never too much of a good thing.

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