Ultratron Cheats - PC

 All cheats for this game by platform: PC
Check out these Ultratron cheats and stay cool!
Achievements (Steam)
10 fruits - Collected 10 fruits.
25 fruits - Collected 25 fruits.
50 fruits - Collected 50 fruits.
100 dots - Collected 100 dots.
250 dots - Collected 250 dots.
500 dots - Collected 500 dots.
1,000 dots - Collected 1,000 dots.
1,000 shots fired - Player has fired 1,000 shots in a game.
10,000 shots fired - Player has fired 10,000 shots in a game.
100 kills - Vanquished 100 enemies.
500 kills - Vanquished 500 enemies.
1,000 kills - Vanquished 1,000 enemies.
2,500 kills - Vanquished 2,500 enemies.
5,000 kills - Vanquished 5,000 enemies.
10,000 kills - Vanquished 10,000 enemies.
And That! - EMP shocked 25 enemies in one blast.
And This! - EMP shocked 50 enemies in one blast.
Assault Survivor - Survived assault level without taking damage.
Awesome - Awesome double three way bouncy gun.
Barbara Woodhouse - Held one or more pets for 20 levels without dropping.
Drone Enemy Kills - Single drone vanquished 250 enemies.
Fruit Flatus - Detonated 10 bombfruits.
Grenadier - 10 kills with a single grenade.
Healthy Diet - Consumed 10 consecutive fruits.
His Master's Voice - Held one or more pets for 5 levels without dropping.
Ieiunitas - Defeated Ieiunitas.
Letum - Defeated Letum.
Lues - Defeated Lues.
Bellum - Defeated Bellum.
Bombadier - 20 kills with a single grenade.
Challenge Perfect - Got 100% on a challenge stage.
Commando - 30 kills with a single grenade.
Crazy - Double three way bouncy bezerk gun.
Crufts - Held one or more pets for 10 levels without dropping.
Double Dose - Defeated two bosses.
Drone Bullet Kills - Single drone shot down 100 enemy bullets.
Max Rocket Pet Level - Rocket pet levelled up to maximum.
Max Shields - Maximum shields.
Max Shooty Pet - Upgraded shooty pet to maximum.
Max Shooty Pet Level - Shooty pet levelled up to maximum.
Max Grenade Upgrades - Grenade add-on upgrades maxed.
Max Laser Pet - Upgraded laser pet to maximum.
Max Pet Upgrades - Upgraded all pets to maximum parameters.
Max Power - Maximum droid power.
Max Rocket Pet - Upgraded rocket pet to maximum.
Max Smarts - Full complement of smartbombs.
Redemption - Smartbombed 25 enemies with one blast.
Salvation - Smartbombed 50 enemies with one blast.
Slurp - Maximum dot slurp range.
Smartbombtastic - Detonated 50 smartbombs in a single game.
Superdrones - Maximum drone upgrades.
Supervisory Position - Beat a level without firing a single shot.
Take That! - EMP shocked 10 enemies in one blast.
Tenacious D 10 - Drone survived 10 levels.
Tenacious D 20 - Drone survived 20 levels.
Tenacious D 30 - Drone survived 30 levels.
The Artful Dodger - Got 100% on a dodge stage.
Times 5 Multiplier - Maximum score multiplier.
Ultimate - Double three way bouncy max power rapid fire gun.
Unexpected Item In Bagging Area - Quantum-shifted through a boss.
Vengeance - Smartbombed 10 enemies with one blast.
XR3iTurbonutterbastard - Maxed turbo power and recharge.

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