World Soccer Winning Eleven 7 Cheats - PC

 All cheats for this game by platform: PC | PlayStation 2
Check out these World Soccer Winning Eleven 7 cheats and stay cool!
Primary Collection of Cheats
Change all players stats by 5 points
On the main menu go to "Edit Mode". Once there go to edit Player from the menu. In this menu select "Enter Number" at the bottom of the list, and use une of the following codes (the first number increases, while the second number decreases players stats in the specified team):

1000 - 2000 - Austria
1001 - 2001 - Belgium
1002 - 2002 - Bulgaria
1003 - 2003 - Croatia
1004 - 2004 - Chezh Republic
1005 - 2005 - Denmark
1006 - 2006 - England
1007 - 2007 - Finland
1008 - 2008 - France
1009 - 2009 - Germany
1010 - 2010 - Greece
1011 - 2011 - Hungary
1012 - 2012 - Irelang
1013 - 2013 - Italy
1014 - 2014 - Netherlands
1015 - 2015 - Northern Ireland
1016 - 2016 - Norway
1017 - 2017 - Poland
1018 - 2018 - Portugal
1019 - 2019 - Romania
1020 - 2020 - Russia
1021 - 2021 - Scotland
1022 - 2022 - Serbia and Montenegro
1023 - 2023 - Slovakia
1024 - 2024 - Slovenia
1025 - 2025 - Spain
1026 - 2026 - Sweden
1027 - 2027 - Switzerland
1028 - 2028 - Turkey
1029 - 2029 - Ukraine
1030 - 2030 - Wales
1031 - 2031 - Cameroon
1032 - 2032 - Egypt
1033 - 2033 - Morocco
1034 - 2034 - Nigeria
1035 - 2035 - Senegal
1036 - 2036 - South Africa
1037 - 2037 - Tunisia
1038 - 2038 - Costarica
1039 - 2039 - Jamaica
1040 - 2040 - Mexico
1041 - 2041 - United States
1042 - 2042 - Argentina
1043 - 2043 - Brazil
1044 - 2044 - Chile
1045 - 2045 - Colombia
1046 - 2046 - Ecuador
1047 - 2047 - Paraguay
1048 - 2048 - Peru
1049 - 2049 - Uruguay
1050 - 2050 - China
1051 - 2051 - Iran
1052 - 2052 - Japan
1053 - 2053 - Korea
1054 - 2054 - Saudi Arabia
1055 - 2055 - Australia
1056 - 2056 - Classic Argentina
1057 - 2057 - Classic Brazil
1058 - 2058 - Classic England
1059 - 2059 - Classic France
1060 - 2060 - Classic Germany
1061 - 2061 - Classic Italy
1062 - 2062 - Classic Netherlands
1063 - 2063 - Bruxelles
1064 - 2064 - Prague
1065 - 2065 - North London
1066 - 2066 - West Midlands Village
1067 - 2067 - Lancashire
1068 - 2068 - West London Blue
1069 - 2069 - Merseyside Blue
1070 - 2070 - West London White
1071 - 2071 - Yorkshire
1072 - 2072 - Merseyside Red
1073 - 2073 - Lloyd
1074 - 2074 - Trad Bricks
1075 - 2075 - Tyneside
1076 - 2076 - North East London
1077 - 2077 - East London
1078 - 2078 - Azur
1079 - 2079 - Bourgogne
1080 - 2080 - Aquitaine
1081 - 2081 - Rhone
1082 - 2082 - Languedoc
1083 - 2083 - Ile De France
1084 - 2084 - Nord
1085 - 2085 - Rhein
1086 - 2086 - Rekordmeister
1087 - 2087 - Westfalen
1088 - 2088 - Hanseaten
1089 - 2089 - Hauptstadt
1090 - 2090 - Ruhr
1091 - 2091 - Weser
1092 - 2092 - Peloponnisos
1093 - 2093 - Athenakos
1094 - 2094 - AC Milan
1095 - 2095 - AS Roma
1096 - 2096 - Emilia Sud
1097 - 2097 - Longobardi
1098 - 2098 - Veneto
1099 - 2099 - Lombardia
1100 - 2100 - Juventus
1101 - 2101 - Lazio
1102 - 2102 - Parma
1103 - 2103 - Umbria
1104 - 2104 - Abruzzi
1105 - 2105 - Museumplein
1106 - 2106 - Feyenoord
1107 - 2107 - Stadhuisplein
1108 - 2108 - Lisbonera
1109 - 2109 - Puerto
1110 - 2110 - Esportiva
1111 - 2111 - Valdai
1112 - 2112 - Old Firm Greem
1113 - 2113 - Old Firm Blue
1114 - 2114 - Manzanares
1115 - 2115 - Guadalquivir
1116 - 2116 - Galicia Sur
1117 - 2117 - Galicia Norte
1118 - 2118 - Cataluna
1119 - 2119 - Chamartin
1120 - 2120 - Donosti
1121 - 2121 - Naranja
1122 - 2122 - Constantinahce
1123 - 2123 - Byzantinobul
1124 - 2124 - Marmara
1125 - 2125 - PES United
1126 - 2126 - WE United
1127 - 2127 - Other
1999 - 2999 - All Players
Easy Win
To get easy Wen to buy things at the WE shop, play the International cup under the one star difficulty setting. When you win one game, you will get about 200 Wen. When you win the whole thing, you will get 2,000 WEN, which could be used to buy classic teams.

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